大力推进医疗服务价格改革 规范医疗机构收费行为——陕西省贯彻新医疗服务项目价格工作纪实

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陕西省根据国家计委、卫生部关于统一规划全国医疗服务项目和改革医疗服务价格有关文件精神,拟定了《陕西省医疗服务项目价格改革实施方案》,报经省政府批准后,于20D2年7月1日起在全省陆续实施。从执行情况看,总体比较平稳,社会反映良好,达到了改革、整顿、理顺、规范的预期目的。 一、主要改革进程 陕西省从2000年末开始着手研究规范、理顺医疗服务项目价格工作,并作为“十五”价格改革的重大项目,精心设计,绵密测算,科学论证,组织实施,跟踪监测,严格管理,历时两年之久,其间做了大量深入、细致的准备工作,大体可划分为以下几个阶段。 (一)动员部署阶段。2001年元月12日召开了全省规范和理顺医疗服务项目价格动员会,省物价局、卫生厅领导在会上分别作了动员讲话,提出了全省医疗服务价格改革的措施和目标。同时为了加强对这项工作的组织领导,成立了“陕西省规范和理顺医疗服务价格领导小组办公室”。抽调高校研究学者、医院管理专家、价格管理人员组成测算办公室,具体负责医疗服务价格项目的归并和医疗服务项目价格成本 In accordance with the spirit of the State Planning Commission and the Ministry of Health regarding the unified planning of national medical service projects and the reform of medical service price documents, Shaanxi Province has drafted the “Shaanxi Provincial Medical Services Project Price Reform Implementation Plan.” After being approved by the provincial government, it was approved in the year of 20D2. On the 1st of this month, it will be gradually implemented in the province. Judging from the implementation situation, the overall situation is relatively stable and the society is well-received, achieving the expected goals of reform, reorganization, rationalization, and standardization. First, the main reform process Shaanxi province began to study and standardize and standardize the price of medical service projects from the end of 2000, and as a major project of the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” price reform, elaborate design, careful measurement, scientific argumentation, organization implementation, follow-up monitoring, Strict management, which lasted two years, during which a lot of in-depth and detailed preparations were made, can be roughly divided into the following stages. (a) mobilize the deployment phase. On January 12, 2001, the province mobilized a price mobilization meeting to standardize and rationalize medical service projects. The Provincial Price Bureau and the Health Department leaders made mobilization speeches at the meeting and proposed measures and targets for the price reform of medical services in the province. At the same time, in order to strengthen the organization and leadership of this work, the “Shaanxi Provincial Office of Standardization and Order Management of Price Leadership for Medical Services” was established. Investigates academic research staff of university research scholars, hospital management experts, and price management personnel and is specifically responsible for the consolidation of medical service price items and the cost of medical service items.
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