
来源 :河南水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huayuaneee
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为学习兄弟省、市的先进经验,促进我省水产业的发展,1994年11月3日至11月19日,我局组织郑州、洛阳、开封、驻马店、许昌、漯河、商丘等七市地水产科长及部分主管局长共14人赴安徽、江苏、浙江、湖北四省及武汉市,从水产业发展的思路、优惠政策、水产技术推广体系建设、名特优水产品养殖的发展、水产品批发交易市场建设及水产品加工、宜渔资源及大水面的开发等方面进行了学习考察。开阔了视野,学到了不少好的东西,同时也看到了我省存在的不足和问题,为我们理清河南渔业今后的发展思路,制定对策,加快我省渔业发展的步伐提供了经验。 From November 3 to November 19, 1994, our bureau organized seven cities in Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Kaifeng, Zhumadian, Xuchang, Luohe and Shangqiu to study the advanced experience of brother provinces and cities and promote the development of aquaculture in our province. Chief of aquatic products and some chiefs of directors went to Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Hubei provinces and Wuhan. From the ideas of aquaculture development, the preferential policies, the construction of aquatic technology promotion system, the development of aquaculture of Mingte You, Product wholesale market and the construction of aquatic products processing, fishery resources and the development of large surface areas such as study tours. Broaden their horizons, learned a lot of good things, but also saw the shortcomings and problems in our province for us to sort out the development of Henan Fisheries in the future ideas, formulate strategies to speed up the pace of the development of fisheries in our province to provide experience.