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据美国政府的一项报告预测:旧房加固和维护改造,将是21世纪最受欢迎的九大行业之一。唐业清先生预见到这项工作之重要,早在1989年就在北方交通大学开设了《房屋增层改造工程学》和《房屋纠倾工程学》两门课程,培养了一批专业人才。自唐先生担任全国房屋增层改造技术研究会会长以来,许多省市邀请他做房屋增层或建筑物纠倾扶正工程的评审工作、技术顾问的函电纷至沓来,成为人们心目中诊治建筑物疑难杂症的一名“良医”。 刚逾花甲之年的唐业清还担任着国家建筑工程技术研究中心技术委员会委员、我国第一所招收、培养相当博士或硕土水平研修生的民办大学——中华研修大学校长等重要职务。今年6月又当选为中国老教授协会常务副会长。 According to a U.S. government report, it is predicted that the reinforcement and maintenance of old houses will be one of the nine industries most popular in the 21st century. Mr. Tang Yiqing foresaw the importance of this work. As early as 1989, he had opened two courses of “Building Addition and Renovation Engineering” and “Building Correction Engineering” at Northern Jiaotong University and trained a group of professionals. Since Mr. Tang was the chairman of the National Research Institute of Building Reinforcement Technology Reform, many provinces and cities have invited him to do assessment work for house building or building rectification and righting projects, and the technical consultants have come to the letter and become difficult to diagnose and treat buildings in the minds of people. A “good doctor” for miscellaneous diseases. Tang Yeqing, who has just spent more than sixty years of age, also serves as a member of the Technical Committee of the National Building Engineering Technology Research Center and is the first major private university in China that has recruited and trained quite a Ph.D. or master-level level trainee. In June this year, he was elected vice president of the China Association of Old Professors.
一、 引言 紫背菜Gynura bicolor DC.为菊科,土三七属,多年生草本植物。在我国南方各地如广东、广西、福建、云南、四川、台湾、浙江许多农村有少量栽培,多作为药用间或菜用[4]。其名称繁多:有的称两
作为万里长江第一桥的武汉长江大桥,10月15日迎来了50岁的生日。目前看来,这座已步入半百之年的老桥依然坚固,桥墩没有变位下沉,钢梁没有弯曲变形,铆钉也没有松动。 As the