
来源 :体育世界(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wymanszeto
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运用文献资料法、数理统计法,对比分析法,逻辑分析法等研究方法,对第23-30届奥运会女子田径田赛类项目奖牌进行分析梳理,探讨女子田赛类项目的现状与发展趋势。结果显示:在跳跃类项目上,获得奖牌的国家在逐渐集中,而获得金牌国家数量呈扩大的趋势,获得奖牌国家的更迭变化很大;随着投掷类项目设置完整,奖牌数量增加了,但获得奖牌的国家却在减少,表明投掷类项目实力越来越集中,金牌的获得国却表现出逐渐分散的现象,尤其是近两届奥运会4枚金牌被4个不同的国家瓜分;中国在投掷类项目的优势主要集中铅球项目上,应充分利用中国田径投掷类项目单项的优势,以点带面,以优势项目带动整个投掷类项目发展,并且以女子项目带动男子项目发展,争取用最短的时间赶超世界;不同的国家能根据本国的实际选择合适的专项为突破口,表现出明显专一性的特征。 By using the methods of literature, mathematical statistics, comparative analysis and logical analysis, this paper analyzes the medals of track and field events in the 23-30th Olympic Games, and discusses the status quo and development trend of the women field events. The results showed that in the jumping projects, the countries that obtained the medals gradually became concentrated while the numbers of the countries that won the gold medal tended to expand. The changes of the medal winning countries changed greatly. The number of the medals increased with the throwing projects completed The number of medal winning countries is declining, indicating that throwing projects are getting more and more concentrated. Gold medal winning countries are gradually diverging. In particular, four gold medals in the last two Olympic Games are divided by four different countries; Advantages of projects The main focus on shot put projects should make full use of the individual advantages of throwing items in Chinese track and field, bring the whole project of throwing with the advantage items and lead the development of men’s projects with the help of superior items, and catch up with the shortest time World; different countries can choose the appropriate special project as the breakthrough point according to their actual conditions and show the obvious distinctive characteristics.
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一、前言 任何地质作用过程都是复杂的,东海也不例外,其沉积过程具有长期性、继承性和叠加性的特点。因而反映在矿物组合及其分布变化上较为复杂,影响因素颇多。然而,运用数