Signet-ring cell carcinoma of the stomach: Impact on prognosis and specific therapeutic challenge

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dextersky001
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While the incidence of gastric cancer has decreased worldwide in recent decades,the incidence of signetring cell carcinoma(SRCC) is rising. SRCC has a specific epidemiology and oncogenesis and has two forms: early gastric cancer,which can be resected endoscopically in some cases and which has a better outcome than non-SRCC,and advanced gastric cancer,which is generally thought to have a worse prognosis and lower chemosensitivity than non-SRCC. However,the prognosis of SRCC and its chemosensitivity with specific regimens are still controversial as SRCC is not specifically identified in most studies and its poor prognosis may be due to its more advanced stage. It therefore remains unclear if a specific therapeutic strategy is justified,as the benefit of perioperative chemotherapy and the value of taxanebased chemotherapy are unclear. In this review we analyze recent data on the epidemiology,oncogenesis,prognosis and specific therapeutic strategies in both early and advanced SRCC of the stomach and in hereditary diffuse gastric cancer. While the incidence of gastric cancer has decreased worldwide in the recent decades, the incidence of signetring cell carcinoma (SRCC) is rising. which has a better outcome than non-SRCC, and advanced gastric cancer, which is generally thought to have a worse prognosis and lower chemosensitivity than non-SRCC. However, the prognosis of SRCC and its chemosensitivity with specific regimens are still controversial as SRCC is not specifically identified in most studies and its poor prognosis may be due to its more advanced stage. It thereby remains unclear if a specific therapeutic strategy is justified, as the benefit of perioperative chemotherapy and the value of taxanebased chemotherapy are unclear. analyze recent data on the epidemiology, oncogenesis, prognosis and specific therapeutic strategies in both early and advanced SRCC of the s tomach and in hereditary diffuse gastric cancer.
摘要:高职校语文新教材(教育部职业教育与成人教育司推荐教材、五年制高等职业教育文化基础课教学用书)第一册语文课本文言文难度较大,只有抓住教学的关键——引导学生攻克语言关和文学关,才能使语文课程改革的教学效果显示出来。  关键词:高职校语文新教材;文言文;语言关;文学关    《语文课程标准》对语文学科的性质做了明确的阐释:“语文是最重要的交际工具,是人类文化的重要组成部分。工具性与人文性的统一,是
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