认真实施禁毒条例 全力打造平安海南——海南省人大常委会执法检查组关于检查《海南省禁毒条例》实施情况的报告(摘要)

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今年5月,省人大常委会组成执法检查组,对省人民政府及有关政府部门实施《海南省禁毒条例》的情况进行了检查。检查组在听取了省政府关于条例实施情况的报告后,分赴海口、三亚、文昌、琼海、陵水、儋州、澄迈、临高、乐东9市县,以及省安康医院、省强制戒毒所和省劳教所等单位进行检查。检查组在各市县检查期间,听取了市县政府的汇报,实地考察了强制戒毒所、戒毒康复农场、禁毒机构和部分无毒社区、村(居)委员会、国营农场和一些禁毒教育基地,走访了戒毒脱瘾人员,查阅了吸毒人员登记册和相关工作资料。通过检查活动,对我省实施条例开展禁毒工作情况有了比较全面的了解。本刊摘要刊登执法检查情况报告,敬请关注。 In May this year, the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress formed a law enforcement inspection team to conduct an inspection on the implementation of the Hainan Provincial Drug Control Ordinance by the provincial people’s government and relevant government departments. After hearing the provincial government’s report on the implementation of the Regulations, the inspection team dispatched to 9 cities and counties in Haikou, Sanya, Wenchang, Qionghai, Lingshui, Zhuozhou, Chengmai, Lingao and Ledong, as well as Provincial Ankang Hospital, Compulsory drug treatment centers and labor camps and other units to be inspected. During the inspection period in each city and county, the inspection team listened to the reports of the municipal and county governments and inspected compulsory drug rehabilitation centers, drug rehabilitation farms, drug control agencies and some non-toxic communities, village committees, state-owned farms and some anti-drug education bases and visits Drug addicts and drug addicts, access to drug addicts register and related work information. Through the inspection activities, the implementation of the regulations in our province to carry out anti-drug work has a more comprehensive understanding of the situation. This publication summarizes the law enforcement inspection report, so stay tuned.
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