
来源 :青少年科技博览 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:halfmile
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材料:竹片(或木片)、竹筷、竹筒、细绳。制作:取竹片或木片1块,用小刀削成螺旋桨形状,并在中心处钻1小孔,装上1根竹筷,作为支杆。这样,竹蜻蜒就做好。用两手掌夹住竹蜻蜒的支杆,用力一搓,迫使竹蜻蜓高速旋转。只要旋转方向对头,它就会飞起,上升到约4米高的空中(注意:手臂要向前伸直,不要让竹蜻蜒打到自己的头和眼睛;如果旋转方向反了,竹蜻蜒会向下飞,打着自己的手)。 Materials: Bamboo (or wood chips), bamboo chopsticks, bamboo tube, string. Production: Take a piece of bamboo or wood and use a knife to cut into a propeller shape. Drill a hole in the center and put a bamboo chopstick as a support rod. In this way, bamboo rafts will do well. Hold the poles of the bamboo poles with both hands and force them to force the bamboo poles to rotate at high speed. As soon as it turns in the opposite direction, it will fly and rise to a height of about 4 meters. (Note: The arm must be straight forward. Do not let the bamboo pole hit your head and eyes; if the direction of rotation is reversed, The owl will fly down and hit his own hand.)
贫血是慢性肾功能衰竭(chronicrenalfailure,CRF)最常见的并发症之一,进口重组人促红细胞生成素(recombi-nanthumanerythropoietin,rHuEpo)可明显改善肾性贫血[1~3],为了解国产rHuEpo对长... Anemia is one of the most common complication of chronic rena
器械制作 环切器分为内、外两个环形部分,包皮置于两环之间,内外环相夹,包皮即被切断。内环上端呈刺状,外面做有一圈锐利的丝状线,该线在包皮背侧距冠状沟0.8cm,在系带处1.0
自1983年3月~1997年8月共收住腺性膀胱炎(CG)住院患者34例,其中12例行全膀胱切除术,效果满意。报告如下。1 临床资料  本组12例,男10例,女2例,年龄30~54岁,平均37.5岁。病程6个月~9年。全部患者均有尿频、尿急及尿痛,其