人民法院工作报告 六月十七日在人民政协第一届全国委员会第二次会议上的报告

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主席、各位委员、各位先生:我们中央人民政府最高人民法院是去年十一月成立的。在这以前,华北、东北、以及西北、华东、华中部份老解放区早已有了地方性的各级人民法院,并从实际工作中培养了一批人民司法干部。他们创造和积累了建设了人民法院的宝贵经验,以及和我们政权性质相适应的、切合人民实际需要的群众路线的工作方法和工作作风。这对于我们在全国范围内进一步建设人民法院和人民司法工作,提供了有利的条件。我们最高人民法院就是在这样的基础上建立起来的。半年以来,随着西北、西南和长江以南各省的完全解放,在摧毁了反动统治,树立起人民统治的同时,这些地区的人民法院也就陆续建立起来了。由于革命形势的迅速发展,我们还没有能够和许多新解放地区的人民法院普遍建立起工作上的联系,对于这些地区的法院建设情况和工作情况还了解得不够。因此,我的报告还不能说明全国法院工作的整个情况,而只就老区和某些新区关于法院的若干情况,提出来向大会作一个概略的报告,请求大会的审查和指示。 Mr Chairman, Honorable Members, Dear Excellencies: The Supreme People’s Court of the Central People’s Government was set up in November last year. Prior to this, local people’s courts at all levels in North China, Northeast China, part of the old liberated areas in Northwest China, East China and Central China had already been established and a number of people’s judicial cadres were cultivated from practical work. They have created and accumulated valuable experience in building a people’s court and the working methods and work style that are in line with the mass line that meets the actual needs of the people that are compatible with the nature of our regime. This provides favorable conditions for us to further build the people’s courts and people’s judiciary in a nationwide scale. It is on this basis that our Supreme People’s Court was established. In the past six months, with the complete liberation of the provinces northwest, southwest and south of the Yangtze River, the people’s courts in these areas have been gradually established while ruled by the reactionary rule and by the establishment of people’s rule. Due to the rapid development of the revolutionary situation, we have not been able to establish general working contacts with the people’s courts in many newly liberated areas. We have not yet got enough information about the construction and work of the courts in these areas. Therefore, my report still fails to give an account of the entire situation of the work of the courts in the country. Instead, I will only provide some brief reports to the General Assembly on certain situations regarding the courts in old and new areas and request the review and direction of the General Assembly.
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