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通风量是影响堆肥进程和氨气排放的关键因素。试验以鸡粪和锯末作为堆肥原料,利用动态箱法进行蛋鸡粪堆肥,探讨不同通风量对蛋鸡粪堆肥进程的影响。结果表明:1通风能显著提高堆体物料p H值,降低含水率;2氨气排放集中在堆肥的升温与高温阶段,整个堆肥期间,0.15、0.05、0 m3/min·m3组氨气排放总量分别为7 823.70、7 313.13、6 299.06 mg/d;3对照组氨化细菌拷贝数显著高于0.05、0.15 m3/min·m3组(P<0.05),这与铵态氮含量变化规律一致;0.15 m3/min·m3组氨氧化菌和反硝化菌拷贝数都显著高于0.15 m3/min·m3组和对照组(P<0.05),说明0.15 m3/min·m3组可能是通过减弱氨化作用(减少铵态氮的形成)和提高氨氧化作用促进铵态氮向硝态氮的转化而减少氨气排放。综上所述,在本试验条件下,0~4 d通风量设置为0.15 m3/min·m3,4~9 d通风量设置0.05 m3/min·m3,可以在达到堆肥产品腐熟与无害化标准的基础上降低堆肥过程氨气排放。 Ventilation is a key factor affecting the composting process and ammonia emissions. In the experiment, chicken manure and sawdust were used as the composting materials, and the dynamic box method was used to make compost of laying hens. The effects of different ventilation rates on the compost process of laying hens were discussed. The results show that: 1 Ventilation can significantly improve the p H value of the pile material and reduce the water content; 2 Ammonia emission concentrated in the temperature rise and high temperature composting stage, the entire composting period, 0.15,0.05,0 m3 / min · m3 ammonia emissions The total amount of ammonifier was 7 823.70, 7 313.13 and 6 299.06 mg / d, respectively. The number of ammonifying bacteria in 3 control group was significantly higher than that of 0.05 and 0.15 m3 / min · m3 groups (P <0.05) (P <0.05), indicating that the 0.15 m3 / min · m3 group may be through the weakening of the copy number of ammonia oxidizing bacteria and denitrifying bacteria 0.15 m3 / min · m3 group and the control group (P <0.05) Ammonification (to reduce the formation of ammonium nitrogen) and increase ammonia oxidation and promote the conversion of ammonium nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen to reduce ammonia emissions. In summary, under the experimental conditions, the aeration of 0 ~ 4 d is set to 0.15 m3 / min · m3, and the aeration of 0.05 to 0.05 m3 / min · m3 can be set up within 4 to 9 days. When the composting product is decomposed and detoxified Standard on the basis of reducing ammonia emissions during composting.
弱视是近来年才被重视的较为常见的儿童眼病,据近年来文献报道,弱视的发病率为2%~4%,我国3亿儿童中大约有1 000万弱视患者,数量相当大.……
一-一-一扣~-一~、红…井牛畔.‘月.愁兰兰二里理襄几匕一一月基多妇二才’之 L尹_3,,目二‘▲伟哉,胜利人 孤东油田是“923”的主力油田之一,地处黄河口,比▲黎明—广东凡口