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患者男性,22岁。因左眶下面部进行性肿胀,伴左鼻塞,流涕4个月。于1983年8月到湛江地区人民医院检查,X光片示:左上颌窦密度增高,左上颌窦外壁及左眼眶外下壁骨质破坏。印象为上颌窦恶性肿瘤入院。于同年8月25日全麻下作左上颌窦肿物、左上颌骨、颧骨、左眼眶内容物扩大切除术。术后病理报告为左上颌窦腺泡状横纹肌肉瘤。(病理号:24284)。同年10月12日转来我院加用放射治疗。 体查:一般情况中,左眼球缺如,左面部凹陷,见一“门”型手术疤痕。全身浅表淋巴结不肿大,鼻腔及鼻咽部未见新生物。心脏正常。肝脾未触及。血常规检查正常。肝功能及尿常规均正常。即行~60Co外照射。设左面前野及左耳前野,肿瘤量4200rad/26次/36天。并给予VAC方案(长春新硷、更生霉素) The patient is male, 22 years old. Due to progressive swelling of the lower part of the left eyelid, with left nasal congestion, drooling for 4 months. In August 1983, he was examined in the People’s Hospital of Zhanjiang District. The X-ray showed that the density of the left maxillary sinus increased, and the outer wall of the left maxillary sinus and the bone destruction of the left and right orbits were inferior. The impression was that the maxillary sinus malignant tumor was admitted to the hospital. On August 25 of the same year, the left maxillary sinus mass, left maxilla, sacrum, and left eyelid were resectioned under general anesthesia. Postoperative pathology report was left maxillary sinus alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. (Pathology No.: 24284). On October 12th the same year, we transferred to our hospital and used radiation therapy. Physical examination: In general, the left eyeball is absent, and the left facial surface is sunken. See a “door” type surgical scar. The superficial lymph nodes were not swollen and no new organisms were found in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx. The heart is normal. Liver and spleen are not touched. Blood tests were normal. Liver function and urine routines were normal. That is, ~60Co external irradiation. The left front field and the left ear field were set. The tumor volume was 4200 rad/26 times/36 days. And give VAC program (Changchun Xinxuan and Dactinomycin)
2017年1月8-12日,美国运输研究委员会第96届年会(TRB 2017)将在华盛顿举行。本次年会主题为“交通创新:快速变化的时代保持领先(Transportation Innovation:Leading the Way
本研究证明,天仙丸对小鼠S180、艾氏实体癌、Lewis肺癌、前胃鳞癌以及对裸鼠人肠粘腺癌有明显抑制作用,且毒性低,属基本无毒药物。 This study demonstrated that Tianxian
利用放射受体结合测定证明了两株人体肝癌细胞株7402和7721细胞均有EGF受体的存在。受体数目分别为每细胞6.2×10~4和2.5×10~4,代表它们亲和力的解离常数K_D值分别为1.2 nmo
咬胶是狗狗磨牙、健齿的生活必备品。咬胶的形状、大小、颜色各异,如何辨别好坏?许多主人都不清楚。通过下面的测试,让你拥有一双选购合适咬胶的慧眼。 Chewing gum is a do