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本文借鉴乔姆斯基转换生成语法原理,试图探讨占代汉语句型转换的若干理论问题,描写古代汉语句型转换的各种型式,从而揭示汉语所具有的转换规律。全文分为两部分。第一部分论述我国语言学家白二十年代初开始探索汉语转换语法的概况;第二部分根据从古籍材料中发掘出来的有关“转换”的语言事实,共归纳出28种转换式。每种转换式分析、比较了前后两个句型不同的语法特点,并指出转换的方法、具体步骤以及条件等。这些转换式分为单句之间句子成分的转换,常式句与变式句的转换,肯定句与否定句的转换,主动句与被动句的转换,陈述句与其他语气旬的转换,单句与复句的转换,复句与复句的转换等七类。 This article draws on Chomsky’s principle of conversion grammar, attempts to explore some theoretical problems that take the place of Chinese sentence pattern conversion, and describes various patterns of ancient Chinese sentence pattern conversion so as to reveal the conversion law of Chinese. The full text is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the general situation of Chinese linguists beginning to explore the grammar of Chinese conversion in the early 1920s. The second part concludes 28 conversion formulas based on the facts about the language of the transformation from ancient texts. Each conversion analysis compares the different grammatical features of the two sentence patterns before and after, and points out the conversion method, specific steps and conditions. These conversions are divided into the conversion of sentence components between single sentences, the conversion of regular sentences and variant sentences, the conversion of positive sentences and negative sentences, the conversion of active sentences and passive sentences, the conversion of declarative sentences and other modal sentences, the single sentences and complex sentences Conversion, complex sentences and complex sentence conversion and other seven categories.
自德国哲学家和逻辑学家Gottlob Frege于19世纪末提出以来,预设渐渐已成为逻辑学与语言学共同关注的研究范畴之一。在语言学界和哲学界,预设现象开始被认为是有定描述的。后
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【正】 八、九世纪,中国的唐朝是亚洲政治、经济、文化交流的中心,是先进的文明国家,在世界上享有很高的声誉。唐朝与许多国家,尤其与亚洲各国均有广泛的贸易往来和文化交流
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield