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我国当前社会救助城乡二元结构的存在,实际上是生产力发展和市场化程度在城市与农村之间差异的体现。社会救助城乡一体化,既是过程,又是结果。社会救助城乡一体化并不意味着城乡社会救助标准一致,而是要在制定适合当地经济发展、居民收入和居民消费水平状况的救助标准,保证受救助者享受到基本生活保障,在救助标准和救助数量方面允许有差别。构建城乡一体化社会救助体系应当强调保障性,实现全覆盖,侧重于区域内城乡之间的最低生活保障均等化,着力解决横向公平问题,全面实现社会救助在区域和城乡之间协调发展,确保贫困人群能够平等地享受政府提供的基本公共服务。 The existence of the current dual system of social assistance in urban and rural areas in our country is actually a manifestation of the difference between the development of the productive forces and the degree of marketization in cities and rural areas. Social assistance urban-rural integration is both a process and an outcome. The integration of social assistance between urban and rural areas does not mean that urban and rural social assistance standards are consistent, but to formulate relief standards suitable for the local economic development, residents ’income and the level of residents’ consumption, ensure that the rescued persons enjoy the basic living guarantee, There is a difference in the number of bailouts. To build an integrated social assistance system in urban and rural areas, we should emphasize protection and achieve full coverage. We should focus on equalization of the minimum living allowances between urban and rural areas in the region, make efforts to solve the problem of horizontal equity, and fully realize the coordinated development of social assistance across regions and between urban and rural areas. Poor people can enjoy the basic public services provided by the government on an equal footing.
Acacia karroo Hayne is an arbor species widely distributed in South Africa with the characteristics of fast growth and drought resistance. The species was intro