Culture Introduction in Middle School English Teaching

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  【Abstract】Language teaching can not be separated from cultural learning. However, problems still exist in culture introduction. Some suggestions are put forward to help improve cultural teaching in middle school English class.
  【Key words】cultural introduction; problems; methods
  【作者簡介】Zou Song, Mianyang Nanshan Experimental High School.
  1. Introduction
  As the exchanges between China and western countries have increased tremendously in business, academic research and many other fields, culture introduction in English teaching has got more and more attention than ever before. More and more English teachers are aware that English teaching can not be separated from cultural learning. To help students learn English more effectively and communicate with native speakers more smoothly, this paper discusses how culture introduction can be conducted in English teaching.
  2. Problems of culture introduction in middle school English teaching
  For a long period of time, influenced by instrumentalism, people used to look upon language as a kind of instrument. They thought they could communicate with native speakers effectively by grasping the language itself. Although all teachers are aware that teaching culture is necessary, still a lot of English teachers only concentrate on the training of the students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing while neglecting the improvement of the students’ intercultural communicative competence. Some claim lack of time is the main reason, since most classroom activities are focused on language points and grammatical rules; some argue that the problem comes from attaching too much importance to NEMT, the main criterion to evaluate teachers’ work. Teachers only bring in some cultural information if necessary instead of seeking for a suitable method to improve their cultural instruction.
  3. Ways to carry out culture introduction in middle school English teaching
  Culture introduction in middle school English teaching should be carefully organized and incorporated into lesson plans. Some useful ideas for presenting culture in class are as follows.
  On one hand, films and TV segments should be presented for students to witness cultural phenomenon. Films are often one of the more current and comprehensive ways to encapsulate looking and feeling. In English films, there are a lot of social, political and popular culture contents, so it is easier for us to pick up idioms, slings and to get familiar with verbal and non-verbal behaviors. Film are most attractive to students and seeing films is the most effective way to observe western culture.   On the other hand, English teachers should posses the comprehensive ability of double cultures. That is to say, they should know not only the native language culture but also the target language culture background. They must explain the culture background knowledge if necessary and compare these cultures properly during teaching process, so students may understand the similarities and differences between these two cultures, and teachers should guide the students to notice the cultural background of texts, bring the social meaning of some big words and cultivate the students ’social cultural insight.
  There are still many other means we can use to change the situation and increase cross-cultural awareness. For example, reading classic literature books is also a good way to gather cultural knowledge. Middle school students should try to read various kinds of materials because whether that kind of reading materials will be in entrance examinations is not predictable, consequently middle school students read materials in different areas and they will encounter materials on their favorite topic. Favorite reading materials can be an excellent entry into a different culture and thought.
  4. Conclusion
  It is of great importance to introduce cultural elements in English teaching, so every English teacher should realize the importance and necessity of culture teaching. Of course, students themselves should make good use of the library, website and something like that, to cultivate their own cultural awareness. Only by the efforts of foreign language teachers and students altogether can culture introduction go well in middle school.
  [1]Krashen. Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning[M]. Oxford: Pergamon Press,1981.
【摘要】随着我国综合国力的增强,科技水平的不断提高,信息技术的运用愈发完善,在各大高校的英语课堂教学授课中,微课出现的频率越来越高,老师们不断的改进自身课堂的传统教学方式,有效的结合先进的信息技术来丰富自己的课堂内容,增加学生们的知识面,拓宽知识渠道。  【关键词】微课;高职综合英语课堂;传统教学;实践探索  【作者简介】刘淑君(1973.05-),女,汉族,内蒙古通辽人,通辽职业学院,副教授,硕
【摘要】微课即微型课程,其特点短小精悍,以视频为载体,多为教师针对教学中的重点、难点内容专门制作的视频课件。就中职英语而言,微课的运用,使得课堂氛围更加生动活泼,有效地提升了教学效率,本文就微课在中职英语教学中的运用进行了简单的探讨。  【关键词】微课;中职英语;教学  【作者简介】高冲(1988.06-),女,汉族,辽宁大连人,大连市烹饪中等职业技术专业学校,英语讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向:英语
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【摘要】大学英语口语课程,无论是实践性,还是应用性都比较强。大学生英语口语传统教学,安排的学时比较少,教学的途径也比较单一,对于社会应用型人才需求很难满足。混合式教学理论和“互联网 ”模式,不但将新的思路和理念提供给了大学口语教学的改革,而且将新的机遇和挑战带来。  【关键词】“互联网 ”;大学英语口语;策略  【作者简介】卢禹彤,哈尔滨广厦学院。  【基金项目】课题名称《大学英语移动学习系统功能
【摘要】基于if真实条件状语,引导学生观察和交流,归纳出虚拟语气的内在意义和外在时态特点,进一步指导学生在真实语境中演练,以达到灵活运用的目的。  【关键词】条件状语从句;虚拟语气;教学实践  【作者简介】王波(1974-),男,湖北嘉鱼人,宁波卫生职业技术学院外语教研室教师,硕士,研究方向:语言学与外语教学。  虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式,一是用来表示说话人所说的话不是一个事实,而是一种假设、
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【摘要】随着网络技术的普及,互联网也逐渐进入了课堂,成了教师进行教学的主要手段。在互联网进入课堂以后,可以明显地看到课堂的教学效率得到了有效的提升。因此,对于当代教师的职责上又多了一大重担,如何最大限度地发挥互联网在教学上的积极影响?  【关键词】互联网 ;初中英语;教学方法  【作者简介】刘丽华,宁夏石嘴山市平罗县回民中学。  在互联网飞速发展的今天,互联网为教学服务,成为教学的一种手段已经不再
【摘要】英语核心素养主要包括四个方面,其中的重要一项是提升学生的语言能力。初中英语教师应结合所教学生的特点,给予学生一定的学习方法指导,激活课堂的气氛,让学生在乐学中掌握英语的相关知识,为其英语语言能力的提升打下良好的基础。本文结合农村初中学生的英语学习特点,提出了具体可行的提升学生语言能力的基本策略,旨在为改善农村初中英语教学现状做出点贡献。  【关键词】初中英语;语言能力;教学实践  【作者简