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近10年,在各地城市绿化、环境美化的带动下,我国草花市场发展迅速,但草花市场真正强势发展却是在2007年后。2008年北京奥运会、2009年建国60周年大庆、2010年上海世博会和广州亚运会,是中国草花市场的“发动机”。2008年,北京奥运期间布置花带60多万平方米,仅草花用量就达7000万盆,比往年增加了4000万盆,用花量达历史最高峰;2009年,全国各大中城市在国庆60周年大庆活动期间,草花用量大幅攀升;2010年,上海世博会期间,仅盆花用量就超过6500万盆;而同年的广州亚运会期间,亚运缤纷花城的打造不仅拉动了草花的需求,将草花用量翻了一番,而且加深了 In the recent 10 years, with the drive of greening and landscaping in various cities, the flower market in China has been developing rapidly. However, the real strong development in the flower market is just after 2007. 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the 60th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China in 2009, the 2010 Shanghai World Expo and the Guangzhou Asian Games. It is the “engine” of China’s flower market. In 2008, during the Beijing Olympic Games, more than 600,000 square meters of flowers and flowers were planted, with only 700 million pots of grass and flower used, an increase of 40 million pots over the previous year. The flowering reached the peak in history. In 2009, During the celebration of the 60th anniversary, the consumption of grass and flowers rose sharply. In 2010, only 65 million pots of potted plants were used during the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. In the same year of the Guangzhou Asian Games, the construction of the Asian Games City of Flowers and Flowers not only drove the demand for grass flowers, Doubled and deepened
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