Identification of three major Bemisia tabaci biotypes in China based on morphological and DNA polymo

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The sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, is a complex species, and many of its biotypes are important agricultural pests. The B and Q biotypes are invasive and coexist with the native Cv biotype on vegetable and ornamental crops in China. In this study, these three bio- types were identified based on their morphological characteristics, RAPD-PCR analysis, and DNA sequences of the COI gene. The ante-rior and posterior wax fringes of the B, Q, and Cv biotypes significantly differed from each other. Based on this morphological characteristic, the three biotypes can easily be distinguished in greenhouses and fields. Genomic DNA RAPD-PCR band patterns also revealed differences between these biotypes using the H16 primer. The B biotype has three bright DNA bands between 250 and 600 bp, the Q biotype only has one bright band at 300 bp, while the Cv biotype has no band between 250 and 500 bp. Both the Cv and Q biotypes have two bright bands at 750 and 1000 bp while the B biotype has only one band at 1000 bp. Based on the COI gene, the genetic identity between B and Cv, B and Q, and Q and CV was 85.8%, 94.7%, and 86.0%, respectively. The MP tree indicated that the phylogenetic relationship between the B and Q biotypes is much closer than that between the B and Cv or the Q and Cv biotypes. The uses of the morphological, RAPD-PCR, and DNA sequencing methods in biotype identification of B. tabaci are discussed. The sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, is a complex species, and many of its biotypes are important agricultural pests. The B and Q biotypes are invasive and coexist with the native Cv biotype on vegetable and ornamental crops in China. Three bio-types were identified based on their morphological characteristics, RAPD-PCR analysis, and DNA sequences of the COI gene. The ante-rior and posterior wax fringes of the B, Q, and Cv biotypes significantly differed from each other. Based on This morphological characteristic, the three biotypes can easily be distinguished in greenhouses and fields. Genomic DNA RAPD-PCR band patterns also revealed differences between these biotypes using the H16 primer. The B biotype has three bright DNA bands between 250 and 600 bp, the Q biotype only has one bright band at 300 bp, while the Cv biotype has no band between 250 and 500 bp. Both the Cv and Q biotypes have two bright bands at 750 and 1000 bp while the B biotype has only one band at 1000 bp. Based on the COI gene, the genetic identity between B and Cv, B and Q, and Q and CV was 85.8%, 94.7%, and 86.0%, respectively. The MP tree indicates that the phylogenetic relationship between the B and Q biotypes is much closer than that between the B and Cv or the Q and Cv biotypes. The uses of the morphological, RAPD-PCR, and DNA sequencing methods in biotype identification of B. tabaci are discussed.
女汉子第一重:外表的胡同糙爷范儿  最初听到女汉子这个词,是去走访一间公司。姑娘是销售总监,在一群男人里挑头,没点气势要能站住脚,估计也难。她迎面走来,一股劲风扑面,身体粗壮健硕,笑起来有京剧里花脸的效果。一个手下来问她讨个主意,她拿着计算器,一边以每分钟350字以上的语速数落手下,一边用胖手指在按键上上下翻飞,得出数字,把计算器往手下怀里一扔,“去吧!”像拔完垂杨柳的鲁智深。走廊上我遇见这位手下
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