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进入1999棉花年度以来,国内棉花供大于求的状况开始出现好转,棉花价格在沉闷了近四个年头后,首次实现六个月的持续回升,表明国家棉花宏观调控政策和棉花流通体制改革已取得初步成效。当前,新的棉花流通体制运行顺利,由市场形成价格的机制已基本实现,经营主体多元化使多渠道竞争的流通新格局成为现实。棉花收购资金供应情况良好,收购秩序稳定。新棉基本实现顺价销售,棉花销售回笼资金做到及时还贷,收购资金实现封闭运行。棉花质量得到改观。供销社棉麻公司在竞争中不断改革,励精图治,新棉收购占社会可供商品量的65%以上,预计全年收购可达到70%左右,在棉花流通领域中仍具有不可替代的地位。由于理顺了价格关系,纺织企业出口形势好转,棉纺织品产销两旺,纺织行业已实现扭亏为盈。由于新棉减产较多,而纺织企业用棉加大,尽管棉花总量 Since entering the 1999 cotton year, the situation of oversupply of domestic cotton began to turn around. Cotton prices dipped for the first time in nearly four years after the start of the six-month period, indicating that the national macro-control policy on cotton and the reform of cotton circulation system have been achieved Initial results. At present, the new cotton circulation system runs smoothly and the mechanism of price formation by the market has basically been realized. The diversification of the main business entities enables a new circulation pattern of multi-channel competition to become a reality. Cotton acquisition funds supply is good, the purchase order is stable. New cotton basically achieved the same price sales, cotton sales return funds to repay loans in time, the acquisition of funds to achieve closed operation. Cotton quality has been changed. Supply and marketing cooperatives cotton companies in the competition continue to reform, good governance, acquisition of new cotton accounted for more than 65% of the volume of social goods, the annual acquisition is expected to reach about 70%, in the field of cotton circulation still has an irreplaceable status. As a result of straightening out the price relationship, the export situation of textile enterprises has improved and both cotton production and sales have been booming. The textile industry has turned losses into profits. As a result of more new cotton production, while the textile companies to increase cotton, despite the total cotton
理财专家指出,把钱存在银行、买股票、买不动产或是买保险,四种理财方式各有优缺点。一般人可以依年龄规划理财内容。 银行存款最没有风险,报酬率不高,兑现快;买股票,长期投
女性一踏进三十岁,就生理方面而言,皮肤便开始出现衰老的现象,因此这一阶段的女性的保养、护理及美容化妆方面要有特别的手法。 三十岁开始的女性,需要较成熟的化妆,这段时
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