
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mahonglin
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The side-glowing optical fibers (SOFs) were chosen as the conducting medium of endogenous light; and 20 mg·L-1 methylene blue was chosen as the target to be degraded. The SOF is made up of quartz core with a silicon cladding, which can emit light through side surface more uniformly and transmit light for longer distance to avoid attenuation of light by liquid medium. The filament lamp was chosen as visible light source. Different reaction conditions, such as the presence of optical fiber or not, the quantity of SOF, light irradiation intensity were tested by measuring the methylene blue degradation of methylene blue. The results show that suitable reaction conditions were 1.167 g·L-1 Ag + /TiO 2 with 7% (by mass) of Ag + doped in TiO 2 , and 500 roots of SOF (30 cm length in solution). The photocatalytic degradation efficiency under 300W lamp irradiation for 8h was about 97%. And the photocatalytic degradation efficiency of methylene blue degradation was proportional to SOF quantity, light irradiation intensity and catalytic dosage within a certain range. Compared with general UV and visible light SOFs could save a huge amount of energy and cost, in the potential applications in dealing with organic pollutants on a large scale. The SOFs were chosen as the conducting medium of endogenous light; and 20 mg · L-1 methylene blue was chosen as the target to be degraded. The SOF is made up of quartz core with a silicon cladding, which may emit light through the surface more uniformly and transmit light for longer distance to avoid attenuation of light by liquid medium. Different reaction conditions, such as the presence of optical fiber or not, the quantity of SOF, light irradiation intensity were tested by measuring the methylene blue degradation of methylene blue. The results show that suitable reaction conditions were 1.167 g · L-1 Ag + / TiO 2 with 7% (by mass) of Ag + doped in TiO 2, and 500 roots of SOF (30 cm length in solution). The photocatalytic degradation efficiency under 300 W lamp irradiation for 8 h was about 97%. And the photocatalytic degradation efficiency of methylene blue degradation was proportional to SOF quantity, Compared with general UV and visible light SOFs could save a huge amount of energy and cost, in the potential applications in dealing with organic pollutants on a large scale.
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我科自1992年2月开始用甲硝唑泡腾颗粒治疗滴虫性阴道炎,效果显著。 1 资料及方法 1.1 我院门诊病人150例,21—67岁。典型症状有白带增多,外阴搔痒或烧灼感,严重者伴外阴炎