
来源 :海洋技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mafenqiang
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在毛主席革命路线指引下,我国海洋事业获得了飞跃的发展,取得了很大成绩。随着国民经济和国防建设的发展,从事海洋调查和科研的部门也越来越多,各方面对海洋资料的需求也越来越高。为了使海洋调查资料更有效地为我国社会主义革命和建设服务,对海洋水文调查的精度提出统一要求是非常必要的。下面谈谈我们对这一问题的几点肤浅看法:一、我们认为海洋调查的目的是通过调查、了解、掌握海洋环境状况及其变化规律,从而为国民经济和国防建设服务。因此,海洋调查资料的精度首先要以国防和生产部门的需求 Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, great achievements have been made in the rapid development of our marine undertaking. With the development of the national economy and national defense, more and more departments are engaged in marine investigation and scientific research, and the demand for oceanographic data from all quarters is also getting higher and higher. In order to make the marine survey data serve the socialist revolution and construction in China more effectively, it is very necessary to put forth unified requirements on the accuracy of marine hydrological survey. Here are some of the superficial views we have on this issue: First, we think the purpose of the marine survey is to serve the national economy and national defense by investigating, understanding and mastering the conditions and changes in the marine environment. Therefore, the accuracy of marine survey data must first meet the needs of the defense and production sectors
一、石臼港海区自然环境 基本特征 新建石臼港海区位于海州湾北部石臼所附近。东临南黄海的耳轮形浅水海湾。其湾口直线距离约6km,湾内水深均在7m以内,水表面平均面积为8.3(
Applications of HIP technique on W-Cu composites are studied and developed.The Cu-infiltrated W composites without nickel can be densified easily by HIP process
(一) 美国世界上最早由政府组织海水淡化研究工作的国家。1952年国会审定通过国家盐水法,同时决定在内务部设立“国家盐水局”,负责组织和管理全国海水淡化工作。1963年,又
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海水中悬浮物的分布与海流有关。悬浮物所含的铁存在于粘土矿(如伊利石,特别是海绿石,含Fe_2O_3 17—25%,FeO 2—5%);存在于河口形成的氢氧化铁,它往往以胶体的形式吸着在悬浮