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  On 24th July, the British Royal family announced the name of the new-born baby prince as George Alexander Louis. The third in line to the Crown will be formally known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge, a legendary baby in the making. What's special about the birth and upbringing of the royal baby?
  Birth-A Grand Appearance
  On July 23rd Beijing time, the baby prince was born at St Mary's Hospital at Paddington, London. In celebration of the royal birth, landmark architectures in the city were lit with blue lights, the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery staged 41 gun salutes at Hyde Park, and the Honorable Artillery Company carried out 62 ceremonial salutes from the Tower of London.   The Lindo wing at St Mary's Hospital is priced at 6,265 pound for the first night and 2,200 for each following night. The private facility is staffed with obstetric physicians, pediatricians, midwives, nurses, lactation consultants and nannies. Each of its luxurious delivery rooms is equipped with satellite TV, wireless connection, a radio, and a safe. Fresh flowers are served everyday and privacy is secured with sun-blocking curtains. The Lindo wing was opened in 1937. It was here that Princess Diana gave birth to Prince William and Prince Harry. In Kate's last hours of pregnancy, a high-speed helicopter was put on standby to rush Prince William from Kensington Palace to Kate's bedside at the first sign of delivery.
  Upbringing-Closer To Everyday Lifestyle
  If you talk to any royal assistant close to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, you will be told that they will raise their first-born like an ordinary child, or a reasonable approximation of it. Keeping a common touch since getting married, William and Kate apparently want remain the same in their child rearing. Kate looks to Princess Diana as a role model for breaking the royal tradition of hiring full-time nannies. She is ready to become a stay-at-home mom to take care of the baby herself. But for the first few weeks after delivery, she would still hire a nanny or stay with her mother at the family's $7 million Bucklebury manor where her mother Carol would be "hands-on". Before the birth, Carol had been sighted shopping with Kate for baby basket, stroller and car seat. Kate's sister Pippa proposed to follow American tradition in throwing a baby shower party, but Kate rejected the idea. “She does not want it to be too clamorous ", said Pippa.
  Nursery-Comfortable and Cozy
  After delivery, Kate lives with William in the two-bedroom Nottingham Cottage on the grounds of Kensington Palace, where they have a small nursery prepared. But it's modest, as Kate felt it wasn't worth the money to go all-out since the baby prince will not stay there for long. The baby will sleep by his parents' bedside for the first week. A top class baby shop at Beverly Hills, Los Angles disclosed to media the outfitting of the royal nursery. Full of Teddy Bears and other toys, the lovely baby room is decorated with fairy colors. According to the shop owner, William and Kate bought a 9,000-dollar bed for their baby. As the little prince grows up, he will move into apartment 1A in Kensington Palace with his parents, where there is a big garden, a perfect play ground for children, built by its former owner Princess Margaret. First built in 1605, Kensington Palace houses many pieces of antique furniture. But Kate and William will bring in modern ones to make it more comfortable. It is said two rooms have been reserved for a nurse and a nanny. Without too many nurses and servants, the little prince will still be taken good care of.   Education-With Modern Approach
  Kate and William may take a much modern approach to the baby's education as a departure from royal tradition. They hope their child could grow up to be an ordinary and down-to-earth person. Unlike former royal parents restrained by convention and precedence, Kate and William will consider the little prince’s will, capabilities and friends before deciding on his schooling. There is a wide choice of nursery schools around Kensington Palace, including top class nurseries near Notting Hill. Beyond nursery school, he could follow his father to attend Wetherby, where Princess Diana was often seen sending William and Harry to school. For high school, Eton College will be a perfect choice. Winchester College and Harrow School are also good alternatives. He may also attend Wellington College, a top coeducational school close with the military. Kate’s alma mater, Marlborough College is as well a choice.
  Succession-Succession to the Crown Act ends male primacy
  The debate surrounding the succession to the Crown never ceases to fascinate the public. The Act of Settlement passed in 1701 gives preference to male heirs over female regardless of age. Under the Act, the eldest son becomes the automatic heir, and if he dies, the crown goes to his descendents. If the King/Queen has no children, the Crown should be passed down to his/her brother. Female heirs are only considered when there is no other choice. Queen Elizabeth II took the throne only because her father had no son and her uncle gave up his rights to the throne.
  But this was changed on 28 October 2011 when the leaders of 16 Commonwealth countries unanimously passed an amendment to the Act of settlement, known as Succession to the Crown Act. The new Act ends male primacy and the disqualification of persons married to Catholic spouses in the succession to the Crown, which means, boy or girl, the royal baby of William and Kate will still replace Prince Harry to become the third in the line to the British throne.
肖坤认为烟斗的最大魅力是可以给自己片刻的沉静,使自己安静下来。烟斗会给男人带来不一样的气场,以及一个有趣的圈子。  16岁那年,肖坤就拥有了人生中第一把烟斗。光阴似箭,一晃10年,他的绝对年龄对于一名烟斗客来说虽然还略显稚嫩,但他对烟斗的理解已算得上老到。“谁说年轻人不能抽烟斗?如果你是一位喜欢交朋友的年轻人,就会发现烟斗能为你展开一个奇异的世界。”  从肖坤开始抽烟斗,他就发现手拿烟斗的男人通常
应天齐温和有礼,英俊新潮的外形下流露出一种传统文人的谦和气质与现代思维。他将传统精神与现代艺术技法融合到艺术作品中,又在写实与抽象之间找到了一个极妙的契合点,进而用现代手法表现了传统文化内涵。他的作品意在唤醒世人关注即将消逝的传统文化,这是应天齐“新东方精神”的精髓呈现,也是他的艺术魅力所在。  从威尼斯建筑双年展归来后,应天齐再次将心思放在了他至今难以释怀的芜湖古城保护上。这一次与他几年前担任芜
7月18日,位于圣彼得堡市中心的19世纪宫殿 “狮苑”经过精心整修,以俄罗斯首家四季酒店的高雅身姿重新示人。如今,酒店以崭新的顶级住宿、风尚餐饮、独特会议空间以及即将开业的全城最为奢华的水疗中心为特色,酒店的工作人员还将带领宾客走进圣彼得堡当地的画廊、博物馆等艺术天地。
多年前,孟可欣还在画画。他从来没有想过自己会成为一名建筑设计师。他也从来没有意识到原来好的设计可以给人带来源源不断的能量和愉悦。他认为自己很幸运,能够有机会和空间对话,将更好的设计贴近生活,直抵你的内心世界——有意味的设计,可以有许多温暖、更多喜悦。  设计含一种禅意  在冥想的时候听中国音乐,眯起眼睛声音就有了模样。“像水一样的音线,漫过来,缠绕在一起,在你的身边盘旋。中国音乐是线性,悠扬迂回,
在9月葡萄收获的季节里,造访卢瓦尔河谷的葡萄园,领略葡萄采摘、品尝美食佳酿,同时观赏葡萄园附近的自然和人文景观,会让人集中感受葡萄酒之路的付出与收获、传统与现代、艺术与生活的交织互动。  葡萄的诱惑  卢瓦尔河流域曾经是法国王朝时代的权力中心,这里的大片区域被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。卢瓦尔河是法国最长的河流,也是欧洲最后一条原始河流。在这条河的串联下,沿途布满了古城、古堡、中古教堂、秀丽
对很多人来说,飞行是那么遥不可及,但又总能令他们心驰神往。当有一天飞行真的开始走进生活时,他们会发现,其实飞行就在我们身边。  7月27日,在颐和园旁古色古香的颐和安缦酒店俱乐部,来自中国私人飞机俱乐部和安缦汇的会员,一边分享蓝天梦想,一边在美好的下午茶时光里让私人飞行走进你我身边。  飞行就在你我身边?尽管如今通航发展迅猛,但对很多人来说,飞行仍旧与我们距离很远。  “这种距离或许来自对飞行的不
从7月开始,游客可以在金沙城中心御桃源的主题区与心爱的梦工场动画人物见面;入住金沙城中心假日酒店和喜来登酒店的家庭游客更可以为孩子选择别开生面的动画明星早餐。  与《功夫熊猫》中可爱的阿波、《怪物史瑞克》中憨厚的史瑞克、《马达加斯加》中的艾里克斯零距离接触,入住这些以动画电影为主题的家庭套房,享用动画明星早餐等等,这些就是澳门金沙城中心今夏为游客带来的亚洲首个“金光大道度假区—体验梦工场”家庭旅游
北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店区域总经理狄艾文(Iwan Dietschi)对酒店行业有着与生俱来的热情。他说:“对我而言,最奢华的东西,是从未遗失的梦想。”  狄艾文已在丽思卡尔顿酒店集团任职18年,在这18年间,他从美国的五角大楼丽思卡尔顿酒店开始,陆续在迪拜、埃及、新加坡、波多黎各、卡塔尔、德国和如今的北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店等地供职。狄艾文说:“每天的工作,就是实践最美好的自己。在我18年间的工