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  作为深受广大读者喜爱的英语学习刊物,CE Speaker总是被大家视为亲密的朋友,也总是收到分享喜怒哀乐的来信。在这些热情洋溢的信件中,很多莘莘学子都不约而同地表达他们想学好英语的心愿,但因为基础不好等原因,学习过程中遇到不少瓶颈,希望我们能给出一些有益的建议和学习方法。
  (山东烟台第二中学高一 刘玲鑫)
  A:Once I read that Lin Yutang suggested people learning English to first learn to listen and speak. I totally agree. That is how babies learn a language.
  Do you read English stories? If you don’t, you should start now. You can read newspapers, novels, and even magazines. Find a book that is right for your level and read it, looking up the words in a dictionary and write them down in a notebook together with how it is used in the story. Review that regularly. (Readers’ Digest is a good one to read since the stories and articles are
  not long.)
  (山东莱阳第一中学55级 王振阳)
  A:Learning English well is a bit different from being able to pass your entrance exam, especially if you are required to understand sentence structures. Since you have just a year to do that, I think it will be a challenge. I would suggest that you work on the language structures last. To improve English fast, you need to be hearing it and using it often so that it becomes natural to you. Even if you don’t have much opportunity to speak it, listen to it as much as possible. It takes self-discipline. I would suggest that you set a goal for yourself on how much time to spend on it every day or every week.
  I think a lot of students have probably bought a box of “flash cards” for learning new words. The problem is: most people are not disciplined enough to progress beyond words starting with the letter A! It takes some effort. So if you cannot make a commitment to work hard at it, you can stop reading this now.
  I would suggest that unless you are very disciplined, you should build your vocabulary through the following:
  1. Reading—reading is essential for building a well-rounded vocabulary at a level that is suitable for you.
  2. Writing—what you don’t use, you lose! So it is important that you make use of the words and phrases you learn. Write letters, write a diary, write stories...
  3. Note-taking—use a notebook to write down words and phrases that you have read and would like to learn. Look them up in a dictionary and write down the meanings. Be sure to write down examples of how they are used. Then from time to time
  review them.
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根据小编我以及周围人的经历,一般被偷走的东西是很难有回来的一天的。但Dave做到了!莫非他有圣诞老人的帮忙?如果真有圣诞老人,那还要警察做什么呢?在这里,小编想向在节假日仍奋战在岗位上的各个公共服务行业的从业人员致敬,因为有他们的付出,才有我们皆大欢喜的团聚。    Policeman: What did the 1)suspect look like?  Dave: Well, as I sai
小编Tips:这篇文章语速较慢、发音清晰,用简单生动的语言来解释日常生活中出现的各种俗语、固定表达,是用英文学英文的最好素材。建议在精听之后进行逐字逐句的听写,可锻炼读者的听写能力。    Every people has its own way of saying things, its own special expressions. Some of these expressions are