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香港商铺买卖在8月份登记宗数达到1997年楼市人跌后的新高230宗后,9月份商铺买卖登记宗数再上升,达到254宗,比8月份增加24宗升幅为10%;9月份登记金额总值达l3.7亿元(港币,下同),比8月份11.63亿元增加18% 从过去6年商铺按月登记量看,没有(?)个月是超过200宗的。而今年8月数字率先突破,9月又增一成。登记金额总值方面 今年上半年表现尚平平,8月首度冲破10亿元,9月更升至近14亿元,直迫1998年5月的高峰 After the number of registered retail sales in Hong Kong reached 230 after the real estate market plummeted in 1997, the number of registered retail sales in Hong Kong increased again to 254 in 2004, an increase of 24 from 10 in the previous month. The number of registrations in September Total value of up to 1.37 billion yuan (HK dollar, the same below), an increase of 18% over the 1.163 billion yuan in August According to the monthly registration amount of shops in the past 6 years, no (?) Month is more than 200 cases. In August this year, the figure took the lead in breaking ground and in September it increased by 10%. In the first half of this year, the total registered value was still flat, surpassing 1 billion yuan for the first time in August and nearly 1.4 billion yuan in September, pushing the peak in May 1998
笔者经过多年的教学与实践,摸索出龙眼嫁接的几种简易削法,实践证明效果良好,具有削法简易、速度快、准确度高、成活率高、用穗量省等优点。现介绍如下:1 腹背接(见图1)  削接穗:在
漳浦县1998年龙眼植株成花率在20%以下,是近10年来最差年景,使我县龙眼生产受到严重影响,挫伤了农民种植龙眼的积极性。1 1998年龙眼抽花穗期的特点1.1 成花率低 龙眼树普遍抽生春梢,成花率低。