铁军旗帜更鲜艳 ——军区某炮团打基础求发展纪实

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今年是全军上下大抓基层建设,全区部队按照军区党委“抓基层、促稳定”的工作思路,以深入学习某炮兵团的基本经验为牵引,开创了全面建设的新局面。全区人武系统和民兵预备役部队积极响应军区党委的号召,各项工作也都取得长足进步,先后有22个人武部和预备役团被军区评为全面建设先进旅团级单位。 自1998年在4月中央军委向全军转发某炮兵团“全面搞建设、扎实打基础、反复抓落实”的基本经验以来,“乌蒙铁军”这面旗帜依然高高飘扬,基层全面建设取得新发展、工作取得新成绩。人武系统和民兵预备役部队虽然有别于正规部队,但抓部队建设的道理是相通的,某炮兵团“抓基层、打基础、求发展”的经验,对于加强人武部和民兵预备役部队建设同样具有重要指导意义。如何在发展变化的基础上结合实际工作,进一步学习先进典型的经验,在打基础中求发展,不断推进全面建设,重在学习他们抓部队建设的观念、打基础的思路和抓基层的方法,只要老老实实念好了基层建设这本真经,工作就能上台阶、有进步。 This year marks a major breakthrough by the entire army in grassroots construction. The military forces in the region, guided by the work plan of the military region’s party committee that “grasps grassroots work and promotes stability,” draws on the basic experience of a certain artillery regiment and leads a new situation of all-round construction. The armed forces system and the militia reserve forces in the region responded positively to the call of the party committees in the military regions and made great strides in all work. A total of 22 armed forces and reserve corps have been rated by the military region as building an advanced brigade-level unit in an all-round way. Since the Central Military Commission of the Central Military Commission transmitted the basic experience of “carrying out all-round construction, solidly laying the foundations, and repeatedly implementing and implementing the artillery regiment” of the PLA in April 1998, the banner of the “Wuguang Iron Army” has still been flying at a high altitude and the comprehensive construction at the grassroots level has been achieved New development, work made new achievements. Although the PLA troops and militia reserve forces are different from the regular troops, the principle of grasping force building is identical. The experience of a certain artillery regiment that “grasps the grassroots units, fosters the foundation and seeks for development” is equally important for strengthening the establishment of both the People’s Armed Forces and the militia reserve forces Has important guiding significance. On the basis of the development and changes, we should combine practical work, further learn the experience of advanced models, seek development through laying foundations for foundation, push forward the all-round development with emphasis on learning from their ideas of grasping army building, laying the foundation for thinking and grasping grassroots methods, As long as you honestly read the true story of grassroots construction, you can make progress and progress in your work.
想让自我介绍变得有趣,让人眼前一亮,请给自己贴标签!  开学后是不是向新同学、新老师、新社团、进行了N次的自我介绍?虽然长这么大,已经介绍过自己无数次,但还是感觉沉默的时候很充实,一开口便空虚了……  那么到底怎么才能做一次完美的自我介绍呢?  首先最重要的,是让人知道你叫什么并一下子记住你的名字。因为你的名字在陌生人看来,完全是无逻辑无意义的,跟生词没什么区别。  好用的办法是,联系名人。比如我
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确立“三个代表”重要思想在人武系统建设中的指导地位,关键是把“三个代表”思想落实到人武系统抓基层、打基础的实际工作中去。主要基于三个方面的考虑: The key to esta
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