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青藏高原是我国乃至世界高海拔多年冻土区的典型代表。伴随着青藏铁路的建成通车,西藏自治区迎来了新一轮经济发展,迫切需要新建高速公路、输变电线路、输油气管道工程等。这些拟建工程与已建的青藏公路、青藏铁路、格拉输油管道、兰西拉光缆等工程均聚集于宽度不足10km范围内的青藏工程走廊。在这狭长的冻土工程走廊内,已修建或拟建的各种冻土构筑物相互影响,多因素耦合叠加,加速区域内的冻土退化,而冻土融化必将影响到工程的稳定性和生态环境退化。再加上全球气候变化的影响,其变化程度更加剧烈。面对国家需求,国家重点基础研究发展项目“青藏高原重大冻土工程的基础研究”于2012年4月正式启动。该项目旨在揭示气候变化与人类工程活动加剧背景下冻土变化及灾害时空演化规律,建立冻土工程稳定性和服役性能评价体系,提出冻土工程灾害防治理论与控制对策,为冻土构筑物群灾害应急预案和重大冻土工程建设提供科学决策依据。 The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is a typical representative of the permafrost regions in China and the world at high altitude. With the completion of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the Tibet Autonomous Region ushered in a new round of economic development and urgently needed new highways, power transmission and transformation lines and oil and gas pipeline projects. These proposed projects, together with the existing Qinghai-Tibet Highway, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the Gela oil pipeline and the LAN cable, all converge on the Qinghai-Tibet Project Corridor within a width of less than 10km. In this long and narrow permafrost corridor, all kinds of frozen soil structures that have been constructed or proposed to be constructed interact with each other and are superposed and coupled by many factors to degrade the permafrost in the accelerating area. However, thawing of frozen soil will inevitably affect the stability of the project and, Ecological degradation. Coupled with the impact of global climate change, the degree of change is even more intense. Faced with national needs, the state’s key basic research and development project “Basic Research on Major Frozen Soil Engineering in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau” was officially launched in April 2012. The project aims to reveal the evolution of frozen soil and the temporal and spatial evolution of the environment under the background of intensified climate change and human engineering activities, establish the evaluation system of the stability and service performance of the frozen soil engineering, put forward the prevention and treatment of frozen soil engineering theory and control measures, Group disaster contingency plans and construction of major frozen soil projects to provide scientific basis for decision-making.