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据国务院“农研中心”专家介绍,我国乡镇企业在新形势下,呈现出六大变化: 1.发展速度加快,效益提高。不仅乡镇企业发达的东部沿海地区在迅速发展,中西部地区,如河南、安徽、江西、四川、广西、海南等省也在加快发展。而且中西部地区的乡镇企业将会以更快的步伐向前迈进,形成东、中、西部竞相发展,实现全国乡镇企业大发展、大提高的新局面。 2.各种形式的股份经济和股份合作制迅速发展。目前,发展得较快、较多的有如下四种形式:一是把集体经济分股到人的股份合作经济。这种股份合作制很可能成为完善和发展社区集体经济 According to the experts from Agricultural Research Center of the State Council, there are six major changes in China’s township enterprises under the new situation: 1. The development speed is accelerating and the efficiency is improving. Not only are the developed eastern coastal areas of township and village enterprises developing rapidly, but also the central and western regions such as Henan, Anhui, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Guangxi and Hainan provinces are accelerating their development. In addition, the township and village enterprises in the central and western regions will move forward at a faster pace and form a new situation in which the development of the eastern, central and western regions competes with each other and the large-scale development of the township enterprises in the country will be greatly enhanced. 2. Various forms of stock economy and joint-stock cooperation system developed rapidly. At present, there are four forms of development that are relatively fast: the first is to divide the collective economy into shares and cooperative economy of the people. This kind of joint-stock cooperative system is likely to become a perfect and development community collective economy
一、前言为提高磨削精度和磨制表面的光洁度,在使用直径比较大的砂轮(φ100毫米以上)时,都需要进行平衡。由于砂轮(包括夹盘)是盘形组件,所以通常都只进行静平衡。 I. INTR
四川省成都市机械工程学会第二届学术年会上,新都机械厂隆礼湘工程师在会上宣读了“0.1微米精密位移技术”,受到代表的好评.谈装置是机械式。主要部件是丝杠、多盘齿 At th
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铸248焊条是一种新型的铸铁焊补材料,经有关厂使用验证,此焊条的焊补效果比较理想,值得推广。 Cast 248 electrode is a new type of cast iron welding repair materials,