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数学是一门抽象的理工类学科,一些公式、概念、定理学生很难理解,对于刚入学对数学了解还不是很深的小学生而言,学习数学是一个不小的挑战,但是如果教师在教学中将数学与生活情景相关联,可以有效将数学知识更加直观地展现在学生面前。小学生的年龄虽然小,但是受到所处环境的影响,他们对生活已经有了一定的了解,利用生活情境开展小学数学教学,以最通俗、直观的方式向学生传达数学思维、数学知识,让学生明白生活与数学之间的相关性,以此启发学生,提高学生的学习兴趣,促进小学数学课堂效率的提升。 Mathematics is an abstract discipline of science and engineering. Some formulas, concepts and theorems are difficult for students to understand. For a pupil who has not yet got a deep understanding of mathematics, it is a challenge to learn mathematics. However, if a teacher is teaching Associated math and life scenarios, can be more intuitive mathematical knowledge in front of students. Although their ages are small, their pupils are somewhat influenced by their environment. They have had some understanding of life. They use their life situations to carry out mathematics teaching in primary schools and convey mathematical thinking and mathematical knowledge to students in the most popular and intuitive way, Understand the correlation between life and mathematics, in order to inspire students, improve students’ interest in learning and promote the efficiency of primary school mathematics classroom.
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摘 要:健美操是一种美的展现。通过对它的学习,不但可以锻炼人的身体素质,还能给人一种美的享受。本文主要针对当前高等职业技术学院男生对于学习健美操的兴趣偏低的因素进行分析,并且分析健美操对人的积极作用,提出增强男生对健美操的兴趣的措施。  关键词:健美操;学习偏见;兴趣因素  健美操作为一种有氧运动,能够锻炼人的心肺功能,对人的健康素质具有重要的影响作用。而当今高等职业院校的男生对健美操的学习兴致不