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恐慌,在威弗利号船上蔓延在听多了见多了诸如“洋插队”出国潮“海外打工族”之类的文字和聒噪后,不知怎的,脑际突然闪现出“苦力贸易”四个字。“苦力贸易”四个字滥觞于中国近代鸦片战争以后,相对今天来说,它已成为历史,然而,从某种意义上说,对这段历史现象作一番体察,远比咀嚼如今一己在“洋插队”过程中的诸般经历要有意义得多。正是基于这样的认识,遂促使我查阅了大量档案资料,从而将鲜见有人披露的发生于1855年10月27日美国威弗利号船上312名华工中途被疯狂虐杀的骇人听闻的 Panic, spread in the Waverly ship In the hear more see such as “ocean jump team ” overseas tide “overseas migrant workers ” kind of words and noisy, somehow, my brain suddenly flashed Coolie trade “four words. After the modern-day Opium War in China, it has become history relative to today. However, in a sense, it is far more probable to observe this historical phenomenon than to chew nowadays It is far more meaningful to have all kinds of experiences in the process of ”establishing a team." It was on this basis that prompted me to consult a large amount of files and thus to seldom reveal the appalling revelations of the insane brutality of the 312 Chinese workers on Waverly on October 27, 1855
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The Projected Shell Model has been developed to include the spontaneously broken axial symmetry so that the rapidly rotating triaxial nuclei can be described mi