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本刊2015年1月(上)推出了2014年中外十大思潮上半部分,重点剖析了新自由主义、民族主义、新左派、民粹主义、普世价值论等名列前五位的思潮。本期,我们重点推出生态主义、历史虚无主义、极端主义、新儒家、宪政思潮等名列十大思潮后五位的舆情评析。生态主义、历史虚无主义、极端主义、新儒家、宪政思潮这五大思潮较之前五位,百姓关注之热烈程度、各界讨论之激烈程度、社会影响之广泛程度并未逊色太多,呈现出如下几个鲜明的特点:一,生态主义、极端主义等思潮,深刻反映了当前国内外经济社会发展中的热点问题和百姓诉求。生态主义首次进入十大思潮,正是由于当前人们对 In January 2015, the magazine launched the first half of the Ten Trends of Top Ten Trends in China and Foreign Countries in 2014, with an emphasis on the top five trends of neo-liberalism, nationalism, the new left, populism and universal values. In this issue, we focus on the appraisal of public opinions after the top ten schools of thought that are among the top ten trends of ecologism, nihilistic history, extremism, neo-Confucianism and constitutionalism. Compared with the top five and the enthusiasm of people concerned about the top five thoughts of ecologism, history nihilism, extremism, neo-Confucianism and constitutionalism, the intensity of discussion in all walks of life is not less than that of the social impact, showing the following aspects A distinctive feature: First, the ideological trends of ecologism and extremism profoundly reflect the current hot issues in the economic and social development both at home and abroad and the appeals of the people. For the first time, ecologism has entered the top ten trends of thought precisely because of the current situation
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本文叙述了水轮发电机定子线棒换位填充板的应用特性及其改进效果。 This paper describes the application characteristics of hydro-generator stator bar transposition
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