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学琴长路漫漫,对很多孩子来说,能坚持下来就是胜利。但在学琴的过程中,总不可避免会出现一些状况,导致孩子学琴、练琴中断,比如孩子生病了,全家出去度假了,家里出现大的变故等等。这个间歇有短期的,也有长期的。中断之后的阶段往往是孩子和家长较劲的阶段,也是比较困难的一个阶 Learning long piano, for many children, to persevere is victory. However, in the process of learning the piano, inevitably there will be some situations that will lead to the children learning the piano and practicing the piano. For example, if the child is sick, the whole family goes on holiday, there is a big change in the family and so on. This interval is short-term, but also long-term. After the interruption of the stage is often the stage of children and parents rivalry, but also a more difficult order
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小菜蛾(Plutella xylostella L.)是我国十字花科蔬菜的重要害虫之一。据柯礼道报道(1979年),此虫在杭州郊区方害猖獗时,可减产3~5成,实验种群在该地区一年可发生9~14代。江苏
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沙蒿叶甲Chrysolina aeruginosa(Faldermann)是宁夏和内蒙古西部草原为害沙蒿的一大害虫,1983年发生面积200万亩,使沙蒿草场严重减产,威胁骆驼、羊只的发展。为此,我们于198
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桑天牛(Apriona germari (Hope))是多种林木、桑树和果树上的重要蛀干害虫,在江苏省发生普遍,为害严重。祝汝佐(1952)对此虫生活习性作了初步观察,章士美等(1965)对此虫寄主