中国的奢侈品市场正传递出矛盾的信息 奢侈品牌调整在华战略

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一方面,奢侈品制造商对未来的销售预期十分乐观。他们认为年销售额增长率完全可以达到25%。据估算,2015年中国消费者的奢侈品总支出将达570亿欧元。届时,中国市场在全球市场中的占比将达到34%。另一方面,几个细分市场在2012年上半年的增长步伐却明显放缓。尽管现在还不能判断这是否 On the one hand, luxury goods manufacturers are very optimistic about the future sales expectations. They think the annual sales growth rate can reach 25% completely. It is estimated that in 2015 the total expenditure on luxury goods by Chinese consumers will reach 57 billion euros. By then, the Chinese market will account for 34% of the global market. On the other hand, the growth of several market segments in the first half of 2012 slowed down significantly. Although it is not yet clear whether this is
玉米制种剪苞叶是在父本早于母本,母本花丝不能完全及时授粉的情况下进行的一项补救措施,如这项工作做得好,就收到好的效果。 一、剪苞叶的时间。根据玉米果穗的发育情况进