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  1. in the liquid-coal pipeline
  In China, there is about $ 25 billion worth of investments currently in the liquid-coal pipeline.
  [结构类似的句子:As a result, Russia is in the semi-conductor caboose. 结果,俄罗斯在半导体方面落在最后。]
  注意:in the pipeline是个英文习语,英英字典的释义是:undergoing preparation, production, or completion; in the works.
  2. welcome to
  Welcome to the finance-district offices of Hitachi credit corp. Here, one floor above a sparkling new Hitachi computer showroom, clerks pencil numbers into ledger books and finger abacuses. (WSJ, June 12, 1987)
  [为了说明welcome to的这种用法,兹再举一例:Welcome to the “Second Revolution”, a phrase used by both Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev to describe the upheaval in economics and ideas now under way in the two communist powers. (Time, Nov. 7, 1987)]
  3. cannot realistically
  America cannot realistically mount another Marshall plan. (NYT, Aug. 29, 1982)
  4. nobody can accurately
  Nobody can accurately call those who plotted, financed and carried out the infamous mass slaughter of Sept. 11 militants, resistance fighters, gunmen, partisans or guerrillas. The most precise word to describe a person or group who murders even one innocent civilian to send a political message is terrorist. (William Safire, NYT Magazine, Sept. 23, 2001)
  5. cannot honorably
  You cannot honorably ignore his opinions.
  6. dangerously foolish area
  The Korean peninsula was a dangerously foolish area in which to pin down a major portion of U.S. military power.
  7. powerful head of protectionist steam building up in Congress
  The Reagan administration has to defuse the powerful head of protectionist steam building up in Congress, which requires the Japanese in particular—disliked even more intensely by the Washington trade lobbies—to move quickly in liberalizing their markets and dismantling their trade barriers. (The Sunday Times, July 5, 1987)
  里根政府必须要化解国会中积聚起来的强大的保护主义压力。这就尤其要求日本——因为华盛顿的贸易游说团对日本的厌恶情绪越来越强烈——迅速行动,开放市场,消除贸易壁垒。   8. cloud three
  He added, these reports “emanate from cloud three.”
  [cloud three的意思词典上、网上都查不到,路透社记者的注解是:The American expression “cloud three” means beyond the realm of possibility.]
  9. just what the doctor ordered
  “Ah, just what the doctor ordered!” exclaimed Bob when Mary brought him a glass of lemonade.
  [注:just what the doctor ordered是口语,意思是:exactly what is needed or wanted,不可按字面照搬。]
  10. each country will be the judge of
  Each country will be the judge of what constitutes an erratic fluctuation in its exchange rate.
  11. level playing field
  “Just 500 years ago—yesterday in evolutionary terms—a British baby had only a 50 per cent chance of making it to reproductive age. Now, the figure is around 99 per cent,” says Steve Jones, a geneticist at University College London. There is also a more level playing field in the reproduction game. “No longer, as in the Middle Ages, do a few rich men have many children while many of those in poverty are forced into the army or into monasteries,” he says.
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Time spent with friends in childhood is associated with physical health in adulthood, according to data from a multi-decade study of men. The findings, published in Psychological Science, a journal of
As protests in the United States continue and the population grapples with the death of George Floyd in police custody, attentions have turned, in part, to increasing awareness about systemic injustic
【题解】buzzy义为“活跃的,令人兴奋的”。随着世界经济的不断发展,目前全球大部分地区已基本解决温饱问题,农业创新并不会“令人兴奋”。因此,题目中的buzzy与agriculture形成对比,激发读者好奇心。由正文可知,新发明之所以buzzy是因为这项科技能够让传感器在空中持续作业。  By taking constant readings1 of everything from soil mo
英译汉  一等奖(1名)  刘正飞 嘉兴职业技术学院  二等奖(2名)  张建惠 鲁东大学  林天晴 广东财经大学  三等奖(3名)  彭楚晗 自由翻译  安子尧 自由译者  赖 桃 广西民族大学  优秀奖(43名)  钱蒙生 南京师范大学  张含雪 三峡大学  郭晓阳 自由职业  张宇漾 江苏师范大学  张睿洺 国际关系学院  张思懿 四川外国语大学  孙 琦 西北大学  王泽泽 山东大学  夏
译例1:  【原文】及长,爱花成癖,喜剪盆树。识张兰坡,始精剪枝养节之法,继悟接花叠石之法。  【译文】As a young man I was excessively fond of flowers and loved to prune and shape potted plants and trees. When I met Chang Lan-p’o he began to teach me
傅聪、傅敏兄弟二人,一在伦敦,一在北京,相隔万里,却同时在世纪疫情里困居家中。我在香港遥忆故交,除了分别致电问候,得知他们现都安好之外,不由得想起了40年前他俩风华正茂时,与他们初次相遇相识的情景。  1980年旧历大年初一,我从巴黎前往伦敦,为了撰写有关傅雷的博士论文去访问傅聪。那时傅敏恰巧也在英国。记得那天很冷,他们住的那条街相当僻静,是个高级住宅区,记不清是哪个方向了,只记得他们家坐落在一个
顾问委员会(姓氏拼音序,下同)  柴明颎 上海外国语大学教授  陈国华 北京外国语大学教授  辜正坤 北京大学教授  黄友义 中国翻译协会常务副会长、教育部MTI教指委主任  连真然 四川省翻译协会副会长  刘士聪 南开大学教授  许 钧 中国翻译协会常务副会长、浙江大学教授  仲偉合 中国翻译协会常务副会长、澳门城市大学教授  评审委员会  主任评委  林 巍 博士,杭州师范大学特聘教授  终审
Still hungry, Rachet ran all the way to the tire and dove in.   She turned as smoothly as flowing water, lifted her head, and breathed in deeply. The Roxville Cats were each back in their First Homes.
【1】很少人会反对,短短数十载现代社会已然发生巨变。其变化体现在各个不同方面。可举之例有:可支配收入增长、消费品和服务大增、个人流动性提高、休闲支出增加和日常家务时间减少。  【2】我们可以强调日益复杂的知识库带来的技术效率提升,或现代消费模式越来越多的资源“足迹”,或贸易的集约化,或传统农村产业的衰落,或制造业向发展中国家转移,或“知识”经济的出现。  【3】我们当然应该指出,这些变化伴随且有时