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20 0 3年 10月 2 2 - 2 4日在香港举行了降低HIV AIDS传播危害———美沙酮维持治疗的培训班。来自东南亚和其他国家的 90余名代表参加了此次培训。美国的Dr .RNewman和世界卫生组织的Dr .GraySattler出席了此次培训 ,并做了精彩报告。培训班的内容包括HIV AIDS传播与静脉吸毒 20 0 On October 2-3 and October 2-3, a training course on methadone maintenance treatment was held in Hong Kong to reduce the spread of HIV / AIDS. More than 90 delegates from Southeast Asia and other countries participated in the training. Dr R. Neuman of the United States and Dr. Gray Saattler of the World Health Organization attended the training and made wonderful reports. The course includes HIV transmission and intravenous drug use
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Diagnosis and follow-up of Crohn disease (CD) often require invasive instrumental examinations, with a high risk of iatrogenic damage. Ultrasound (US) examin at
正确的政治路线要靠正确的组织路线来保证。 ——《邓小平文选》第三卷第380页 The correct political line depends on the correct organizational line. - “Selected Wo
一个小小的饭盒,走东家,访西家,在偏远的小山村挨家挨户传递着。  在陕西省铜川耀州区北部文王山下的西古庄村里,一句问候,一碗热饭,一刻陪伴,互助互爱的雷锋精神,在这里驱走了饥寒孤独,小饭盒在这个百余户的村子里传递人间大爱,让一位风烛残年的独居瘫痪老人孙武感受到人间温暖。  天降不测  真情温暖孤寂的心田  “文王山,武王山,西古庄村在山下边,村里有个孙老汉;年龄不大六十三,本人有病不能动弹;他的生