
来源 :甘肃警察职业学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhezhe_1207
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当前公安民警的健康状况令人堪忧,公安民警健康的相关保障措施也存在工作不到位或重视程度不够等问题。通过对公安民警健康的相关概念进行界定,分析因当前公安工作性质、环境、压力等因素而出现的公安民警身心健康问题及导致问题出现的深层原因,从而提出一些诸如“采取人性化管理措施、关心公安民警日常生活”等能够以较快速度、较低成本改善当前公安民警健康状况的方法,以期为维护公安民警的健康提供合理化建议。 At present, the health status of public security police is worrying. The relevant health security measures for public security officers also have problems such as not being in place or paying insufficient attention. By defining the related concepts of police health and analyzing the physical and mental health problems of public security police due to the current nature of public security work, environment and pressure, and the underlying causes of the problems, some suggestions such as “taking humane management measures , Concerned about Daily Life of Public Security Police ”and other methods that can improve the current health status of public security police at a higher speed and at a lower cost, with a view to providing reasonable suggestions for maintaining the health of public security police.
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摘 要 社区矫正监督检察工作是新的《刑事诉讼法》以及《社区矫正实施办法》颁布以来的重点工作,笔者作为基层检察干警,多年的社区矫正监督检察工作经验总结认为:刑罚执行在刑事法律体系中处于法律适用的最后阶段,是具体体现刑事法律价值和实现法律效果的重要环节。社区矫正作为刑罚执行的一种,在此层面上同样具有重要意义。因为社区矫正是一种开放性刑罚,社区矫正制度所体现的不仅仅是刑罚的严酷,更应当体现法律中的人文关
阅读毛泽东的《水调歌头·游泳》,回答下列问题  才饮长沙水,又食武昌鱼。万里长江横渡,极目楚天舒。不管风吹浪打,胜似闲庭信步,今日得宽余,子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫。  风樯动,龟
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