Money and Happiness

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  Jane Austen, a famous woman realistic novelist of the 19thcentury with her own opinions about marriage, in Pride and Prejudice,through her description of four women’s marriages, expresses such views: a marriage based on love is a happy one; a marriage either for money or for lust is an unhappy one, which are still of realistic significance.
  pride and prejudicemarriagemoneyhappinesslovePride and Prejudice is one of Austen’s greatest works. In this book, Austen describes different kinds of marriages.According to these marriages, Jane Austen expresses her marriage views: regarding the marriage as a final settling place, which one is forced to find for life, and submitting to the money and power, just like the marriage of Charlotte; or regarding the marriage as indiscreet games for a short time’s sexual passion, such as Wickham and Lydia’s marriage; or regarding the marriage as the happy flowers watered by love. Its typical representative is the marriage of Darcy and Elizabeth.This paper focuses on the analysis of Elizabeth’s and Charlotte’s marriages.
  Ⅰ.The marriage for money (Collins and Charlotte’s marriage)
  In Pride and Prejudice,Jane Austen describes a ridiculously pompous clergyman--Mr. Collins. He is a stupid clergyman who always thinks highly of himself and likes playing up to the influential figures wholeheartedly.He lives a rich life with a house and a high income.But,Mr. Collins doesn’t know what love means.For him, marriage only means finishing a task.So, after Elizabeth’s refusal, he almost immediately transfers his affections to Charlotte .
  Charlotte accepts at once his offer of marriage. In fact, Charlotte understands clearly Mr. Collins is neither a sensible nor an agreeable man.But she still wants Mr. Collins to become her husband. For her,at the age of 27 and without property,marriage has always been her object. Charlotte by marriage just wants to get a rich husband.But, is Charlotte’s matrimony indeed happy?
  From the description of the 28thchapter, we get to know the answer: Elizabeth pays visit to Mr. and Mrs. Collins, and when Mr. Collins says something of which his wife may reasonably be ashamed, Charlotte wisely pretends not to hear and she can leave him aside to show her sister and her friend around her house by herself, which makes Charlotte extremely pleased. So long as Mr. Collins can be forgotten,there is really a great air of comfort throughout.This is their marriage. What is interesting about the marriage is that the woman without property indeed got married to the single man with a lot of property, but the happiness the marriage brings to her is from something else but not her husband.   Through describing Charlotte’s marriage, Jane Austen reveals that the marriage that is purely based on economy has no happiness at all.
  Ⅱ.The marriage for true love
  Elizabeth and Darcy’s marriage is one of the happy,ideal marriages, which the writer describes as focal point. Elizabeth is a very clever,active and pretty girl.She has not been affected by the traditional concept that most girls have.The most important aspect is that she is a lady with dignity and upbringing.Darcy is a man with high status and good manner. He is handsome,rich and powerful.So he is the ideal husband in girl’s eyes.But he has grown up in the surroundings with a strong sense of power,so he is always selfish and arrogant.
  At first,he doesn’t care for Elizabeth.He looks down upon Elizabeth’s family and their social position.But,gradually,he is attracted by her very fine eyes, her vivacity, her frankness, her keen intelligence and genuine charm. So soon, Mr. Darcy falls in love with Elizabeth.Although he expresses his love to Elizabeth,he couldn’t help showing his arrogance,which makes Elizabeth have prejudice on Darcy.Darcy loves Elizabeth,but looks down upon her social status.He considers that he has been lowing himself and doing something against his will,personalities and even moral standard. He thinks that his marriage would certainly suceed and Elizabeth is waiting for him to propose marriage.However,Elizabeth,deeply-rooted disliking him,resolutely refused his offer of marriage and condemned his pride angrily. The ultimate failure makes Darcy wake up. He is aware of his own shortcomings. He accepts Elizabeth’s criticism, and faithfully corrects themistakes.He is no longer arrogant and has a real love with Elizabeth.
  The visit to Darcy’s house made an important influence on Elizabeth’s feelings towards Darcy.Elizabeth admires Darcy’s taste in decoration , and his sense of responsibility is confirmed by the housekeeper’s praise . The housekeeper’s account of Darcy suggests that the proud impression he gives is mistaken. What Elizabeth saw and heard at Darcy’s home is a blow to her pride in her power of judgment.At last,she knows Darcy’s true characters,and her prejudices against him begin to weaken,and her feelings towards him begin gradually to soften. She finally falls in love with Darcy.
  In other words,Darcy changes the attitude of being arrogant,and this is the essential reason why Darcy wins Elizabeth’s heart and love. We can imagine if Darcy doesn’t change his mind, even if other misunderstandings have been resolved,they would not fall in love forever.
  Through Austen’s description of the different marriages, it is not difficult for us to understand that marriage is connected with, but not decided by money and social position .A happy marriage should be based on adoration and respect for each other. Austen opposes not only marriage for money, but also indiscreet marriage, and emphasizes love’s importance in marriage. Her views are still of realistic significance.
  [1]Vivien Jones. How to study a Jane Austen novel. Higher and Further Education Division,1987.
小学语文课标中提出:“阅读教学是学生、教师、教科书编者、文本之间对话的过程。”所列举出的多重对话中,缺少了最核心的一项——与作者的对话,算是一个不小的遗憾。我们指导学生阅读时,必须结合作者个人生平、历史背景、生活环境以及作者的思想及经验进行,只有做到与作者的深入对话才能实现对文本的准确解读。  阅读作者对话多重对话小学语文课标中提出:“阅读教学是学生、教师、教科书编者、文本之间对话的过程。”所列举
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实践教学是药学专业教育重要组成部分。新大纲体系下药学综合实验的开设,使学生掌握药学专业的实验基础知识和技能,把各门专业课有机地结合起来,做到融会贯通,熟悉新药开发的途径和方法,加强学生实践能力的培养。  药学综合实验实践随着科学技术迅猛发展,各行各业对毕业生职业素质的要求不断提高。一名优秀的畢业生不仅要具有扎实的理论知识,而且必须具备良好的专业技能。而技能的学习和训练,主要靠实践教学来实现。因此,
创新实践教学模式,是提高高职院校思想政治理论课实践教学效果的关键所在。构建该模式应坚持从实际出发、充分发掘区域资源优势、形式多样的原则。具体模式包括课堂实践、校园实践、社会实践三种形式。同时,保证课时、准备充分、经费落实到位和建立有效的考核评价体系,是实践教学模式有效实施的保障条件。  高职院校思想政治理论课实践教学模式内江职业技术学院实践教学是思想政治理论的重要教学内容和教学环节,加强实践教学是
这里可以做到考试无人监督,学生排队进教室,校园没有围墙,宿舍没有管理员,班主任是高年级的学生。“先学会做人再学会做事”,重庆市行知学校用他们的实践走出了一条素质教育的行知之路。是什么样的神秘力量让他们创造出这样的奇迹?让我们一同走进重庆市行知学校。  素质教育思想建设主观能动性我们来到重庆长寿区,走进这片神秘的土地,看到了这个神奇的校园,尽管已是下午四点钟,但校园里干净、整洁,地上没有一片垃圾纸屑
[摘要]:“教育是慢的艺术”。人的成长是曲折的,有自己的规律。在教学中,“慢”,不单单指速度,还是一种心态。“慢”要循序渐进,这样才可以帮助小学生打好学习基础,提高学习成效。我们要尽量简化教育过程,让教育教学慢下来,让教育教学更优雅。  [关键词]:语文课堂速度 深度 广度 课堂教学环节  语文课堂上,特别是在一些公开课上,为了让看课的老师感觉到该节课的充实,再加上讲课老师的紧张,经常会在课堂上出
文言文作为我国传统文化的主要载体,承担着传承文化的重要使命。它体现了古代优秀文学作品中的基本精神和丰富内涵文化,以形成一定的传统文化底蕴。传承文化这是对文言文教学内容的要求,也是我们学习传统优秀文化的最好途径。  文言文教学文化传承文学素养文言文是我国古代文学史中的精华,是几千年文化的积淀和载体,也是学生提升语文素养的重要来源。然而,从当前初中教学现状来看,文言文似乎并没有实现示其独特的魅力和传承
语文是一门学科语言,注重培养学生语言表达能力,而培养的关键是学生的阅读。为此,如能把“阅读”彻底变成“悦读”,它能高效地提高学生的阅读兴趣和语言应用、表达能力。  中学语文阅读巧用课堂扎实课外悦读“阅读”是学生个性化行为,让学生在自主、积极思维和情感活动中,加深理解和体验,使之有所感悟、思考,情感受到熏陶,智慧获得启迪,享受审美乐趣。充分尊重学生个性,反复读,涵咏其中,方可悟出奥妙。记忆、领会、鉴
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