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目前埃及的形势已日益尖锐化。一方面是英帝国主义源源增兵运问区,并正在以蛮横的挑(?)与屠杀,妄(?)镇压埃及人民的正义要求,另一方面是埃及全国风起云湧的反帝运动越来越高涨,埃及各阶层人民已在争取民族独立解放的共同意志下,结成广泛的反帝统一战线,展开了如火如荼的斗争,并提出了武装起来抵抗英军进攻的要求。自从埃及宣布废除英埃条约以后,英国政府即大量增调军队兵(?)到埃及。除了原来驻在苏(?)士运河区的十万英军外,最近英国政府又把原来驻在塞浦路斯的第十六(?)兵旅和原来驻在的里雅斯特的南(?)开夏团,调到埃及。十月二十六日,英国第十九步兵旅开始从英国日夜空运到利比亚,准备运送到埃及。英国陆军部并于十月三十日宣布继续调英国步兵第三师前往中东地区。英军佔领了沿苏(?)士运河东岸的所有重要据点,并切断了苏(?)士和其他各地的铁路交通。在苏彝士以西十五英里的地方,英军已架起大砲,如临大敌。在埃及西部沿线,到处可以看到英国陆军及装甲部队的巡逻活动和演习, At present, the situation in Egypt has become increasingly sharpened. On the one hand, it is the source of the surge of British imperialism and is taking the arrogant (?) Slaughter and the massacre (j) to suppress the just demands of the Egyptian people; on the other hand it is the ebullient anti-imperialist movement in Egypt Are rising more and more. The people of all walks of life in Egypt have formed a broad anti-imperialist united front under the common will of winning the national independence and liberation and embarked on a fierce struggle in full swing. They have also put forward the demand of armed themselves against the invasion by the British army. Since Egypt announced the abolition of the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty, the British government has increased its army troops (?) To Egypt in large numbers. In addition to the 100,000 British troops originally stationed in the Su Canal area, the British government recently put the 16th former brigade residing in Cyprus and the south (?) Station originally stationed in Trieste, Open summer group, transferred to Egypt. On October 26, the British 19th Infantry Brigade began its journey from Libya to Libya by day and night in Britain for transport to Egypt. The British Army announced on October 30 that it continued to transfer the third division of British infantry to the Middle East. The British army occupied all major positions along the east bank of the Suns Canal and cut off the rail transport between the Soviet Union and other places. Fifteen miles west of the Soviets, the British army has set up cannons to face the enemy. Along the western part of Egypt, patrols and exercises by British army and armored forces can be seen everywhere,
<正> 为验证瘦果特征在莴苣亚族内对阐明莴苣属及其与近缘属之间关系,用传统切片法研究莴苣属(Lactuca L.)及其5近缘属,即翅果菊属(Rterocypsela Shih),假福王草属(Paraprena
在标本观察和野外调查的基础上,对细莴苣属Stenoseris植物进行了分类学修订,共确认了3种。有3个名称,即Stenoseris leptantha Shih, S. taliensis( Franch. ) Shih和S.tenuis Shih