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为了总结《矿山安全法》实施以来我省矿山安全工作,研究《山东省实施〈中华人民共和国矿山安全法〉办法》学习贯彻意见,以及布署明年矿山安全方面主要工作,9月27日—28日在济南召开了全省矿山安全工作会议。各市地分管矿山安全工作的副局长和矿山企业主管部门的同志参加了这次会议。省劳动厅厅介长牛耀宗、副厅长吴鹏到会作了讲话。泰安市劳动局、新汶矿务局的同志在会上介绍了他们学习贯彻《矿山安全法》大力促进矿山企业安全生产的经验。《矿山安全法》实施一年多来,全省各级矿山安全监察机构和矿山企业主管部门狠抓《矿山安全法》的贯彻实施,加强矿山安全管理和监察,全面整顿安全生产秩序,取得了可喜的成绩,全省矿山安全状况有了明显改变。主要表现在一是通过深入学习宣传《矿山安全法》,矿山企业干部职工的法制和安全意识有了进一步提高。二是矿山安全监督和管理部门的职 In order to summarize mine safety work in our province since the implementation of the Law on Mine Safety, study and implement the Opinions on Measures for the Implementation of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Mine Safety in Shandong Province, as well as to lay out major work on mine safety next year, September 27 -28 Day in Jinan held a mine safety work conference. The deputy director of the mine safety work and the comrades of the mining enterprises in each city participated in the meeting. Provincial Labor Department Agency Minister Niu Yaozong, deputy director Wu Peng made a speech. At the meeting, comrades from Taian Labor Bureau and Xinwen Mining Bureau briefed them on their experience in studying and implementing “Mine Safety Law” and vigorously promoting safe production in mining enterprises. Over the past year since the implementation of the Law on Mine Safety, the mine safety supervision agencies at all levels and the competent departments of mining enterprises have paid close attention to the implementation of the “Mine Safety Law”, strengthened mine safety management and supervision, rectified safety production order in an all-round way, and achieved Gratifying results, the province’s security situation has been significantly changed mine. Mainly reflected in the one is through further study and promotion of “mine safety law”, the cadres and workers of mining enterprises legal and safety awareness has been further improved. Second mine safety supervision and management department
近几年来,长宁区人大常委会抓住事关全局重大问题和人民群众普遍关心的问题,依照法定程序作出决议、决定,促进本区经济社会协调发展卓有成效。 In recent years, the Standi
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