公开市场力度加大 货币市场波澜不惊——10月份银行间货币市场回顾

来源 :国际金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bisha1007
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10月,央行明显加大了基础货币回笼力度,公开市场操作中标收益率出现回升,但银行间市场资金面宽松格局依然未得到根本改变。部分大商业银行仍存在一定的投资压力,并由此导致银行问回购市场利率与公开市场利率走势出现分歧。 In October, the central bank obviously stepped up the recovery of basic currencies and the rate of return on the winning bid of open market operations showed a rebound. However, the loose capital structure of the inter-bank market has not yet been fundamentally changed. Some large commercial banks still have some investment pressure, and as a result, banks have different opinions on the interest rates of the repurchase market and the public market.
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In this paper, according to the temperature and strain distribution obtained by considering the Gaussian pump profile and dependence of physical properties on t
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