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Case report. -A 5-year-old girl was hospitalised for fever,abdominal and lumbar pain,associated with general impairment state and a whitlow. One of the blood cultures and CSF grew A β ; haemolytic Streptococcus,muscular echography and MRI showed paravertebral myositis,which was complicated by an epidural abscess. The outcome was good with medical treatment alone. Discussion. -Streptococcal myositis is a rare and severe skeletal muscle infection caused by A β haemolytic Streptococcus. It is characterized by a muscle necrosis,without abscess formation. It has to be distinguished from pyomyositis,usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus,where a muscle abscess occurs,which must be treated by surgical drainage and antibiotics. Prognosis of this infection is poorer than other muscle infections such as pyomyositis,with a high mortality rate. The diagnosis is difficult and often delayed. Practitioners should keep in mind this diagnosis,even if symptoms are non specific,in front of an undetermined infectious syndrome associated with pain,and make an echography or nuclear magnetic resonance imaging to confirm the diagnosis. Case report. -A 5-year-old girl was hospitalized for fever, abdominal and lumbar pain, associated with general impairment state and a whitlow. One of the blood cultures and CSF grew A β; haemolytic Streptococcus, muscular echography and MRI showed paravertebral Myositis, which was complicated by an epidural abscess. The outcome was good with medical treatment alone. Discussion. - Streptococcal myositis is a rare and severe skeletal muscle infection caused by A beta haemolytic Streptococcus. It is characterized by a muscle necrosis, without abscess formation It has to be distinguished from pyomyositis, usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus, where a muscle abscess occurs, which must be treated by surgical drainage and antibiotics. Prognosis of this infection is poorer than other muscle infections such as pyomyositis, with a high mortality rate The diagnosis is difficult and often delayed. Practitioners should keep in mind this diagnosis, even if symptoms are non specific, in front of an undeterm ined infectious syndrome associated with pain, and make an echography or nuclear magnetic resonance imaging to confirm the diagnosis.
目的 通过对清醒Beagle犬口服给予供试品BTA(用于治疗肥胖症),评价其对于Beagle犬心血管系统产生的潜在影响.方法 采用8只预先埋植有DSI遥测植入子Beagle犬,给药途径为口服.共设4个组,分别为阴性对照组、0.5,2和8 mg·kg-1组.通过拉丁方设计,每只清醒Beagle犬在4个独立的给药日分别给予空胶囊及3个剂量的供试品,每次给药间隔(含给药日)为7d.给药前使用DSI公司P
【正】 China National Chemical Corporation (ChemChina) plans to increaseinvestment and production in Yanggao Longquan Industry Park (YLIP),Datong, Shanxi provin
由盛和煜、张曼君编剧 ,张曼君导演的小剧场京剧《马前泼水》 ,日前由北京京剧院上演。这出戏在老戏《马前泼水》的基础上旧曲翻新 ,从内容、人物、题旨上对老戏中的朱买臣夫
【正】 Presently, butanol is regarded as an innocentbio fuel with potential, given the rapid depletionof fossil energies.The production of acetoneand butanol th
总政话剧团在过去的半个世纪以来 ,为新中国的文化建设、为军队的文化建设做出了突出贡献。在庆祝该团建团 5 0周年之际 ,我们选发了部分有关剧目创作的论文以飨读者诸君。
背景资料 《高加索俘虏》是俄罗斯“商队”公司与美国“普勒达克辛”公司于1996年合拍的。获1997年美国“奥斯卡”最佳外语片奖提名、1996年戛纳国际电影节国际影评联合会奖