
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:michael047
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在我国北方,漫长的冬季寒冷凄清,花圃内百花凋零,一派萧条,常使爱花者产生怀春之感。谁能抵御寒风的吹袭,为冬日的花圃带来几分春色呢?雏菊可以说是冬令花圃中的佼佼者之一。雏菊(Bellis perennis)又名延寿菊、春菊,为菊科多年生草木植物,原产西欧,性喜冷凉、颇耐严寒,在我国北方多作二年生草花栽培。其花茎高7—15厘米,花色有白、淡红、深红、朱红和洒金等 In the northern part of our country, the long winter is cold and desolate. The blossoms in the flower-beds diminish and the depression tends to make the flower-lovers feel a sense of compassion. Who can resist the impact of the cold wind, winter flowerbed bring some spring? Daisy can be said to be one of the best winter flower garden. Daisies (Bellis perennis), also known as jasmine, spring chrysanthemum, as Compositae perennial plants, native to Western Europe, the nature of the cold, quite cold, in northern China for more biennial grass cultivation. The flower stem height 7-15 cm, color white, pink, dark red, vermilion and sprinkle gold
籽莲(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)经蜜蜂授粉,结籽率显著提高.纱网内有蜂授粉区比纱网內无蜂授粉区结籽率高31.27‰,死蓬率低14.25‰;比自然对照区结籽率高22.22‰,死蓬率低5.
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