Influence of propagation direction on operation performance of rotating detonation combustor with tu

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Due to the pressure gain combustion characteristics,the rotating detonation combustor(RDC)can enhance thermodynamic cycle efficiency.Therefore,the performance of gas-turbine engine can be further improved with this combustion technology.In the present stu
摘 要:中国共产党建党百年一贯重视人才和人才工作,党的人才思想和人才工作发展经历了新民主主义革命、社会主义革命和建设、改革开放和社会主义现代化建设、中国特色社会主义新时代四个历史时期,既积累了宝贵经验,也有过深刻教训。党的人才观发生了很大变化:从尊重人才到视人才为“第一资源”,对人才价值认知持续深化;从“又红又专”到“德才兼备”,丰富发展了人才评价标准内涵;从“党管干部”到“党管人才”,实现了人才
This article explores the drilling behavior of polymer nanocomposites reinforced by Graphene oxide/Carbon fiber using a hybrid method of Grey theory and Principal component analysis(GR-PCA).An online digital dynamometer was employed for the evaluation of
摘 要:复杂系统理论是20世纪80年代兴起的一门新兴学科和前沿理论。本文基于复杂系统理论,探析了新时代统一战线工作具备的复杂性特点,以及如何从复杂系统理论的基本观点入手,构建新时代统战工作大格局,并不断推进统战工作提质增效、提档升级、创新发展。  关键词:复杂系统理论;统战工作;新时代  中图分类号:D63 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3163(2021)04-00069-05  一、
Explosive welding technique is widely used in many industries.This technique is useful to weld different kinds of metal alloys that are not easily welded by any other welding methods.Interlayer plays an important role to improve the welding quality and co
摘 要:大团结大联合是统一战线永恒的主题,大统战是其内在属性和鲜明特征,也是中国共产党统一战线思想的重要内核。构建高校党委统一领导、统战部门牵头协调、有关方面各负其责的大统战工作格局是做好新时代高校统战工作的必然要求,也是克服高校统战工作与新形势新任务新要求不相适应问题的重要举措。提高政治站位,加强高校大统战工作格局体制机制建设和统战干部队伍建设,是推进高校统战工作创新发展的必要途径。  关键词:
The failure mechanism of a cylindrical shell cut into fragments by circumferential detonation collision was experimentally and numerically investigated.A self-designed detonation wave regulator was used to control the detonation and cut the shell.It was f
Due to editing errors,the ordinate and unit of Fig.5(a)in the article were incorrect.The correct ordinate of Fig.5(a)should be Flexural strength(MPa).In the published article<Effect of organo-modified montmorillonite nanoclay on mechanical,thermal and
The influence of a magnetic field on the stability of a shaped charge jet is experimentally investigated at standoffs of 490,650 and 800 mm.The experimental results without and with the magnetic field are compared in terms of the shaped charge jet form,st