Effect of Titanium on Methanol Synthesis from CO_2 Hydrogenation over Cu/γ-Al_2O_3

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Hotcoolman
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Titanium-modified (-alumina supported CuO catalyst has been prepared and used to methanol synthesis from CO_2 hydrogenation. The addition of Ti to the CuO/(-Al_2O_3 catalyst made the copper in the catalyst exist in much smaller crystallites. The effect of the loading of Ti on the activity and selectivity to methanol from CO_2 hydrogenation was investigated. The activity was found to increase with the increasing of surface area of metallic copper, but it is not a linear relationship. Titanium-modified (-alumina supported CuO catalyst has been prepared and used to methanol synthesis from CO_2 hydrogenation. The addition of Ti to the CuO / (- Al_2O_3 catalyst made the copper in the catalyst exist in much smaller crystallites. The effect of the loading of Ti on the activity and selectivity to methanol from CO 2 hydrogenation was investigated. The activity was found to increase with the increasing of surface area of ​​metallic copper, but it is not a linear relationship.
80年前的青春值得今天的我们去致敬,而当今年轻的昆曲工作者们也有自己的时代责任与理想,这理想,值得他们用自己的青春去守护、去奉献。  文艺是反映生活,表现生活的最佳载体。优秀的艺术作品,无一不能起到鼓舞人、感染人的作用。在建党95周年的喜庆日子里,文艺工作者们怀着巨大热情与执着精神,在传统戏曲舞台上,辛勤耕耘,探索创新,从北京到上海,一部部为党的生日献礼的好戏,次第上演,令人动容。    80年前
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目的 探讨新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(HIE) 时电解质浓度变化的病理机制及临床意义。方法 采用血电解质分析仪测定70 例HIE 电解质浓度和对照组30 例电解质浓度。结果 HIE 血电解质普遍降低,尤