Rainfall Threshold Calculation Method for Debris Flow Pre-Warning in Data-Poor Areas

来源 :Journal of Earth Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenhonghe
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Debris flows are the one type of natural disaster that is most closely associated with human activities. Debris flows are characterized as being widely distributed and frequently activated.Rainfall is an important component of debris flows and is the most active factor when debris flows occur. Rainfall also determines the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the hazards. A reasonable rainfall threshold target is essential to ensuring the accuracy of debris flow pre-warning.Such a threshold is important for the study of the mechanisms of debris flow formation, predicting the characteristics of future activities and the design of prevention and engineering control measures. Most mountainous areas have little data regarding rainfall and hazards, especially in debris flow forming regions. Therefore, both the traditional demonstration method and frequency calculated method cannot satisfy the debris flow pre-warning requirements. This study presents the characteristics of pre-warning regions, included the rainfall, hydrologic and topographic conditions. An analogous area with abundant data and the same conditions as the pre-warning region was selected, and the rainfall threshold was calculated by proxy. This method resolved the problem of debris flow pre-warning in areas lacking data and provided a new approach for debris flow pre-warning in mountainous areas. Debris flows are the one type of natural disaster that is most closely associated with human activities. Rainfall is an important component of debris flows and is the most active factor when debris flows occur. also determines the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the hazards. A reasonable rainfall threshold target is essential to ensure the accuracy of debris flow pre-warning. future activities and the design of prevention and engineering control measures. Most mountainous areas have little data regarding rainfall and hazards, especially in debris flow formed regions. Mostly mountainous areas have little data regarding rainfall and hazards, especially both in debris flow forming regions. This study presents the characteristics of pre -warning regions, included the rainfall, hydrologic and topographic conditions. An analogous area with abundant data and the same conditions as the pre-warning region was selected, and the rainfall threshold was calculated by proxy. This method resolved the problem of debris flow pre -warning in areas lacking data and provided a new approach for debris flow pre-warning in mountainous areas.
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