加强作风建设 搞好班子团结

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目前,基层银行领导班子团结状况,从总体上看是好的和比较好的。但是,无庸讳言,在团结上仍存在一些问题。归纳起来主要有四种类型:一是共鸣互补型。领导班子成员关系和谐,互相尊重,互相支持,同唱一台戏。二是大同小异型。就是领导班子成员之间,在工作上虽有分歧,但能够求大同存小异,有群体意识。三是面和心离性。就是领导班子成员之间,面和心不和,思想有疙瘩,彼此有看法,尚未达到公开冲突的程度,工作尚可为继。四是相互拆台型。班子成员之间互不服气,各不相让,矛盾时有发生,各打各的鼓,各吹各的号,不是“龙凤相配”,而是“龙虎相斗”。由于客观事物的多变性,不团结诱发因素的复杂性,从而决定了领导班子不团结表现特征的多样性。其主要特征有: 1、潜在性。领导班子不团结,开始并不太明显, At present, the solidarity among leading banks in grassroots banks is generally good and relatively good. However, it goes without saying that there are still some problems in solidarity. Summarized there are four main types: First, resonance complementary type. The members of the leadership team are harmonious, respect each other, support each other and sing a song together. The second is similarities and differences. There are differences in the work among the members of the leadership team, but they can seek common ground while reserving differences and have a sense of community. Third, the surface and heart of sexual. That is, there is still no open conflict between the members of the leadership team, the disagreements with the mind, the lumps of thoughts and the opinions of each other. Work can continue. Fourth, the mutual demolition of Taiwan-type. Members of the team are not satisfied with each other, each giving up, contradictions occur from time to time, all playing drums, blowing the different numbers, not “dragon and phoenix match”, but “dragon and tiger fight.” Due to the variability of objective things and the complexity of the uncoalescing inducing factors, the diversity of the non-uniting performance characteristics of the leading bodies is determined. Its main features are: 1, the potential. The leading group is not united at the beginning is not too obvious,
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