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细节是指生活中细微而又具体的典型情节,细节描写运用得好,写人则如见其人,绘景则如临其境,文章就能形象鲜明,更具感染力。请看下面几个片段升格示例:一、选择典型,形象生动○原文呈现爸爸平生无别的嗜好,唯一所爱者酒。星期天,节假日,几个朋友聚在一起,海阔天空地神聊,然后喝酒,每喝必醉,常常闹出笑话,甚至误事。○升格展示……一个星期天朋友相聚,先打麻将后喝酒,喝得酩酊大醉。那天晚上他坐班,上自习的铃声响起,他匆匆直奔教室,抓起黑板擦往讲台上 Detail refers to the subtle and specific life in the typical plot, the description of the use of well written, writers are seen as others, the scene is immersive painting, the article will be vivid, more contagious. Please look at the following examples of fragments upgrade example: First, choose a typical, vivid image ○ Father presents life no other hobbies, the only love wine. Sunday, holidays, a few friends together, brighter and brighter to talk, and drink, drunk every drunk, often make a joke, or even a mistake. ○ Upgraded display ... ... A friend gathered on a Sunday, first playing mahjong drink, drink drunk. That evening he was sitting in class, a bell on the self-study ring, he hurried straight to the classroom, grabbed the blackboard rub to the podium
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