Effects of Growth Temperature on Structural and Electrical Properties of Li-N-H Codoped ZnO

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xumin7777
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Effects of growth temperature on the structural and electrical properties of Li-N-H codoped ZnO thin films grown by DC reactive magnetron sputtering were investigated. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction results showed that increasing growth temperature could improve the crystalline quality. But Hall measurement results showed that growth temperature had a nonlinear influence on the electrical property. The variation of electrical properties with the growth temperature was found to be related to the activated concentration of N in ZnO and the evaporation of Li during the growth process, derived from the Hall measurement and the second ion mass spectroscopy measurement. Effects of growth temperature on the structural and electrical properties of Li-NH codoped ZnO thin films grown by DC reactive magnetron sputtering were investigated. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction results showed that increasing growth temperature could improve the crystalline quality. But Hall measurement results showed that growth temperature had a nonlinear influence on the electrical property. The variation of electrical properties with the growth temperature was found to be related to the activated concentration of N in ZnO and the evaporation of Li during the growth process, derived from the Hall measurement and the second ion mass spectroscopy measurement.
Two novel organic-inorganic heteropolyoxometalate compounds [{Cu(1,10- phen)OH}_2]_2[V_2W_4O_19]·6H_2O (1) and [Co(1,10-phen)_3]_2[V_2W_4O_(19)]·5H_2O (2) (1,
摘 要: 覃垕是张家界的民族英雄,他领导的元末明初土家族农民起义是为民族生存而战的正义战争。覃垕及其他领导的农民起义都是一个不朽的经典传奇。本文从覃垕起义的成因、特点、影响几个方面对这个传奇进行深层解读。  关键词: 覃垕 土家族 农民起义    张家界是块盛产传奇的神山秘土,它山上长的是传奇,洞里生的是传奇,水里流的是传奇,歌里飞的是传奇,张家界的历史更是写满了传奇。  本文所写正是元末明初张家