The characteristic of power flow in broad band dynamic vibration absorber

来源 :Chinese Journal of Acoustics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sharpsmile
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DVA (dynamic vibration absorber) is good for restrain of the resonance vibration in low frequency, especially under the condition that there are only one mode or two modes in a frequency band. It seems rather difficult to control the resonance vibration of elastic structures in high frequency, since usually there are so many modes in high frequency band. The broad band DVA is brought forward to reduce the resonance vibration of elastic structures. The broad band DVA is designed on the basis of the characteristic of power flow in structure in this paper. The broad band DVA is effective on absorbing the resonance vibration power flow of the most important modes. The ability of absorbing vibration for the broad band DVA is analyzed in detail. The results obtained in this paper provide a basis for the optimization design of the broad band DVA and the optimization positions on structures. DVA (dynamic vibration absorber) is good for restrain of the resonance vibration in low frequency, especially under the condition that there are only one mode or two modes in a frequency band. It seems rather difficult to control the resonance vibration of elastic structures in high frequency, since usually there are so many modes in high frequency band. The broad band DVA is brought forward to reduce the resonance vibration of elastic structures. The broad band DVA is designed on the basis of the characteristic of power flow in structure in this paper The broad band DVA is effective on absorbing the resonance vibration power flow of the most important modes. The ability of absorbing vibration for the broad band DVA is analyzed in detail. The results of this paper provide a basis for the optimization design of the broad band DVA and the optimization positions on structures.
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