Resonance hosts for high efficiency solution-processed blue and white electrophosphorescent devices

来源 :中国科学:化学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:d327315409
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The exploration of high-performance solution-processible host materials for blue and white electrophosphorescent devices is a key and fundamental challenge in the ongoing development of organic semiconductors.Herein,two solution-processible resonance host materials with self-adaptive characteristics are delicately designed and constructed.Because of the dynamic tautomerization upon resonance variation,these smart hosts show self-adaptive and selectively enhanced charge carrier flux at high triplet energy levels.Conferred by the resonance molecules,solution-processed blue and white devices exhibit excellent maximum current efficiencies (CEs) of 29.8 and 57.3 cd A-1,and external quantum efficiencies (EQEs) up to 14.5% and 23.5%,respectively.Our works highlight the significant progress of the solution-processed phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes(PhOLEDs) using resonance host molecules,potentially furnishing a leap forward in constructing advanced organic semiconductors for next-generation optoelectronic devices.
固态发射机大多采用风冷式,1992年马可尼公司推出水冷式固态UHF电视发射机系列。 这种水冷固态发射机的特点是: 1)减小发射机的体积:5KW的发射机只需一个19英寸的机架;10KW
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腌制品。在腌制肉、鱼等食品的过程中,容易令加入的食盐转化成亚硝酸盐,它在体内酶的催化作用下容易和体内的各类物质作用,生成亚胺类的致癌物质,而且还会催促人体衰老。 P
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