5月20日 住房和城乡建设部发出通知 要求按时保质保量完成灾区过渡安置房建设任务

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住房和城乡建设部5月20日向各省、自治区、直辖市和计划单列市、新疆生产建设兵团的住房和城乡建设行政主管部门发出了《关于建设四川地震重灾区受灾群众过渡安置房的通知》,要求用3个月时间在四川省地震重灾区建造100万套过渡安置房,于今年8月10日前完成。通知还规定了各对口支援建设单位的建设任务、建设进度并提出了完工时间。 On May 20, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued a circular on the construction of a transitional resettlement house for the affected people in hardest-hit areas in Sichuan Province on May 20 to the competent departments of housing and urban and rural construction in provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities specifically designated in the state plan, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps In a 3-month period, one million sets of transitional resettlement houses will be built in the hardest hit by the earthquake in Sichuan Province and completed by August 10 this year. The circular also stipulates the construction tasks of each counterpart support construction unit, the construction progress and the completion time.
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