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问题:在定量分析中,计算准确度(或精密度)的方法,根据湖南药品检验所采用的是用两次分析结果的差数与其算术平均值之比所得的百分数即为其误差度,而广州药品检验所则采用平均偏差以表示其准确度,即以数次分析的结果的算术平均值,与每次分析的结果的差数总和除以分析的次数,得一平均偏差,平均偏差与算术平均值之比,得一百分数即为其精密度(或准确度)。例:标化 HCl 时,第一次结果为0.1023 N,第二次结果为0.1025 N。以湖南药检所算法得两次误差为: Question: In the quantitative analysis, the method for calculating the accuracy (or precision) is based on the percentage of the difference between the arithmetic mean and the difference between the results of the two analysis results used by the Hunan Drug Inspection Corporation. The Guangzhou Institute for Drug Control uses the average deviation to represent its accuracy, that is, the arithmetic average of the results of several analyses, and the sum of the differences of the results of each analysis divided by the number of analyses, resulting in an average deviation, average deviation and The ratio of the arithmetic mean to one hundred points is its precision (or accuracy). Example: When standardizing HCl, the first result is 0.1023 N, and the second result is 0.1025 N. Two errors in the algorithm of Hunan Institute of Drug Control are:
文章从性别意识的阐释出发,辨析了女性意识与性别意识的不同,强调了性别意识对女性社会发展的作用。 Starting from the explanation of gender consciousness, the article
(1) 湿的东西,脏东西,油质的东西,不可放入秤盘,否则秤盘内附着些湿脏带油的东西,而致不准。 (2) 砝码只放在盒内,用时放在秤盘内,决对不可放於他处,否则污染脏物而不准。 (
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《广东省志·人物志》的编纂工作历经十二个春秋 ,于 2 0 0 2年 1 1月出版发行了。这是广东新方志事业、历史人物研究的一件大事 ,值得庆贺。读罢该书 ,感觉它有四大特点 :一