Good Food, Beautiful Scenery, Low Tuition:Studying Abroad Visits Inonu University in Turkey

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  Turkey has built a multi-ethnic nation on the ruins of an empire. Influenced by splendid Islamic civilizations, Turkey blends modern Eastern and Western cultures. Apart from the draw of the beautiful scenery, why should Chinese students be looking at Turkey as a place to study abroad?
  Malatya: Home to Inonu University
  Inonu University is located in Malatya, a small city in eastern Turkey. The summers are hot and dry. Famous for its apricot orchards, the city produces significant quantities of apricots every year, and the Apricot Festival is held every July.
  Established on April 3, 1975, Inonu University covers an area of 700 hectares. Of Turkey’s 104 public universities, Inonu is consistently in the top twenty. Inonu University has fourteen schools for the arts and sciences, education, agriculture, fishery, engineering, medicine, business and administrative sciences, divinity, dentistry, pharmacy, fine art and design, law, communication, and physical education and sports.
  As one of the largest public universities in eastern Turkey, Inonu University is best known for its outstanding liver transplant program. The Turgut Ozal Medical Center is one of the best medical education centers in Turkey. The Center performs 1,200 liver transplants every year, placing Turkey second only to Switzerland. Every year, students from many different countries come to study at the Center. In addition to medicine, the pharmacy, dentistry, engineering (food engineering, computer engineering, and chemical engineering), and business and administrative science schools are very popular.
  Q= Studying Abroad
  A= Prof. Dr. Cemil CELIK, Rector of Inonu University
  Q: Why does Inonu University want to attract Chinese students?
  A: We know that China is one of the great nations of the world. In terms of land area, China covers nearly one half of Asia. In terms of population, China has 1.35 billion people, which means that China makes up one-fifth of the world’s population. China has a massive population, a long-standing culture, and vast territory; it is a modern country that has succeeded in its development plans. Modern science experts say that China will become a world center for scientific development before too long. As a Turkish university, we hope to establish a long relationship with this great nation, beginning with Chinese students.
  Q: Compared to large cities like Istanbul, what are the advantages a smaller town like Malatya for Chinese students? What courses of study do you recommend for them?   A:Our medical programs, including pharmacy and dentistry, have a very good reputation. The average annual tuition is 3,256 RMB, and living expenses are much lower here than in cities like Istanbul. We also provide science and engineering courses, and some disciplines are taught half in English and half in Turkish. Chinese students can also take social sciences courses, which we can provide.
  In addition, if students want to study Turkey’s history and culture, Asian music, or Central Asian musical culture, they can apply to our outstanding music program.
  If Chinese students are considering new and interesting disciplines, then we recommend they consider agriculture. More than 85% of the world’s dried apricots are produced in Turkey, and we welcome students who want to learn how to grow our famous apricots. As you can see, we provide a wide range of disciplines from which Chinese students can choose, and we hope students will fully explore all that we have to offer.
  Q: Why does Inonu University want to recruit Chinese teachers?
  A: Chinese is becoming a very important international language, so universities all over the world are establishing Chinese language programs. Therefore, Inonu University is founding a Chinese School, and we need Chinese teachers to provide instruction.
  Our program is not just targeted at the university’s students; it is also open to the public, because some of the city’s residents engage in trade between China and Turkey, and some sell products imported from China. These groups also need to use Chinese, so there are two goals to the establishment of this program. First, we want to provide our students with the opportunity to learn Chinese, and second, we want to help these shop proprietors and business people improve their Chinese, and therefore, their business with China.
  Q: What are conditions like for Chinese teachers?
  A: We first review applications and CVs, then these documents are directly transferred to the Turkish Ministry of National Education. After approval, we will send the teachers invitation letters, inviting them to Turkey.
  I want to hire teachers with degrees in Chinese language to start immediately. Though we do not require many years of teaching experience, we hope that candidates with master’s degrees and doctorates will join our teaching team. Salary and benefits will be set based on a teacher’s experience and qualifications, and we provide the teachers with apartments. The salaries are set according to the regulations of the Turkish Ministry of National Education and provided by our recruitment department. Salaries are usually 2,000 to 3,000 Turkish lira (per month), which is about 4,300 to 6,500 RMB per month.
苏笑嫣,生于上世纪90年代。中国作家协会会员。自媒体人,有微信公众平台[苏笑嫣]。 作品曾在《人民文学》《诗刊》《诗选刊》《诗歌月刊》《星星》《诗潮》《诗林》《青年文学》《民族文学》《美文》等报刊发表。出版有个人文集《蓝色的,是海》;长篇小说《外省娃娃》《终与自己相遇》;长篇童话《紫贝天葵》;诗集《脊背上的花》。 曾获第六届“雨花杯”全国十佳文学少年称号,《诗选刊》2010中国年度先锋诗歌奖,《中
绕你一圈,在木栈道上  我不敢放开脚步  你3625米的高度,使人呼吸急促  对于野生草木及湖中魚儿的嬉戏  我想多一会儿关注  雨,时停时下,时密时疏  这反倒增添了我的游兴  仙女何处?据说  用此水洗一洗眼睛,可以明目  但愿,未来的日子里  在我行走的时候,不会迷路
从演员到制片人,从赴美留学到创业回国,白羽完成了大跨度转变。当美国好莱坞式创想遭遇了顽固保守的中国电影市场,她没有避让也没有硬着头皮上,而是把着互联网的脉搏,将一腔热血注入原创,有惊无险度过了难关。  2013年暑期档,由周渝民、童瑶、白羽等主演的商战爱情片《早见,晚爱》在各大院线上映。白羽不仅在电影中饰有一角,还是此片的制片人。白羽出生在北京,曾是空政话剧团演员。在事业上升期,她远赴美国加州艺术
8月9日至8月10日,2014年中国高中生美式辩论联赛全国总冠军赛在北京对外经济贸易大学的宁远楼成功举行。参赛选手由来自全国90多所重点高中的320名学生组成,他们都是进入到地区16强的精英辩手,可谓“高手如云”。  本次联赛采取公共论坛制。公共论坛制(Public Forum),起源于美国,是一项以普通公民为受众的辩论形式,其辩题主要来自新近发生的具有争议性的社会热点。每个队伍由两位辩手组成,每
在36岁本命年的重要当口,出演28部电视剧、6部电影后,雷佳音正在抓住新的命运瞬间。  雷佳音说,他想演张艺谋的文艺片,后者是他入行15年来最想要合作的导演。“还是想在自己表演欲望比较旺盛的一个阶段,最大限度地去尝试不同类型作品。不断接受外部的新刺激,来探测一下自己潜能的边界。”雷佳音笑着说。如其他时候一样,他内心忧伤,却喜欢以笑脸示人。  雷佳音从来都不是一个有着锋利棱角的人。他说他是个有着“外
“今年我们收到的录取通知书包括2份牛津,2份剑桥,7份伦敦政经,22份帝国理工,44份伦敦大学学院,13份香港大学,以及57份多伦多大学。”说起截止到2015年4月的录取结果,上海光华学院剑桥国际中心(简称:光华剑桥)校长雷冬冬洋溢着幸福和自豪。  作为才培养出三届毕业生的剑桥国际课程学校,光华剑桥今年的录取结果尤其出色。据统计,截至4月20日,光华剑桥申请英国大学的86名学生共获得318封录取通
进行大学选择时,我好像就大概确定了自己的人生方向。我的老家在山东,由于是独生子,父母不希望我离家远行,甚至一度想让我选择位于本市的山东理工大学。可是年轻的我总还是想走出去多看看,一番拉锯之后,我选择了省内的另一所二本大学——曲阜师范杏坛学院(现齐鲁理工学院)。  外出读书,总是有一种冒险的愉悦与未知的乐趣。可是四年以后,我却发现这更多是个认识自我的过程:想象中的自由并没有那么诱人,人生地不熟所带来
【编者按】  第一次开口称他为郭院长的时候,心里有一种怪怪的感觉。当面对面交流的这个人身上散发出无穷活力的时候,“院长”称谓似乎有些搭不上语境。干练,沉稳,睿智,采访过程中语气始终平和,似乎云淡风轻聊着的人生,实际上却异常精彩。郭允奎从中国潮州赴北美留学,成为麻省大学中国研究院院长,后又退出麻校创办麻州国际教育;二十多年间,一个个有关“舍”与“得”的故事,不仅呈现出新一代华人在北美的奋斗历程,更折
正午的阳光直射,暖洋洋地  花枝间零碎的叶,还在顽强的坚守  眼神却是迟疑,游离  被风吹干了水分的树,一动不动  柔顺的光贴在她身上,相互触碰  就有了流水的形状  薄云像一根根火柴,来回滑动  寂静爆裂。熟悉的身影  合着喧嚣的鸟鸣,微微颤动  阳光是宇宙的快递员,把冬日的信  一一邮寄。已填好的地址  温柔的像睡觉的猫咪  悄悄地钻进邮箱,这一刻  它不屬于任何人。左手和右手交叉  仿如两条
一部分家长认为,学艺术就等于“烧钱”。多数人对艺术留学申请的服务费用理解,也停留在似是而非的层面。艺术难以定义,但留学却很实际,且听《留学》拆解艺术留学申请的定价。  目前国内艺术留学机构主要提供两个层次的服务,一是针对艺术作品集制作的指导及申请服务,二是针对作品集进行艺术层面的提升指导服务。《留学》采访了多家艺术留学服务机构,了解到了不同的收费制定标准。  艺术留学申请“大同小异”  王同学是一