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样品合併就是在一定条件下将某些系統取样的短距离相隣样品,按一定数量进行合併化驗。这样不但可以減少化驗数量,降低勘探投资,較快得出化驗結果,且在計算矿床平均品位时,还可簡化许多手續。因此它是符合于以最快的时間、最少的投资、获得最大的效果这一勘探原則的。但由于有些同志对样品合併缺乏理论上的認識,認为样品合併后,由于数量的減少或者利用时的不方便,怕影响到矿床的经济地質評价而不敢采用。有些同志则错誤的認为样品合併本身会造成品位上误差,且在寻求此种誤差大小的实驗中,由于采用了错誤的实驗对比方法,或因加工、化驗的工作質量不好,得出了較大的誤差数字而不予合併(見本刊1957年第21期第12页)。因此过去对許多第三、四类型金属矿床的短距离样品沒有根据情况予以合併化驗,这是应引起注意的。 Sample consolidation is to sample certain systems under certain conditions, short-range adjacent samples, according to a certain number of combined tests. This will not only reduce the number of assays, reduce exploration investment, test results faster, but also simplify many procedures when calculating the average grade of the deposit. Therefore, it is in line with the exploration principle of obtaining the maximum effect with the fastest time, the least investment. However, some comrades did not have a theoretical understanding of the sample merger. It is considered that the samples are not suitable for the geological evaluation of the deposit due to the decrease of the quantity or the inconvenience of the use due to the merger of the samples. Some comrades mistakenly believe that the sample merging will result in a grade error. In the experiment of seeking such error size, because of the wrong experimental comparison method or the poor quality of the processing and testing work, Larger numbers of errors are not merged (see journal No. 21, 1957, p. 12). Therefore, in the past, it is noticed that many short-range samples of the third and fourth types of metallogenic deposits have not been merged according to the circumstances.
在市场经济条件下 ,物价受供求关系的影响而上下波动已成为一种必然的经济现象 ,而持续剧烈的物价变动又反过来影响市场经济 ,进而影响到会计本身。物价变动对会计的影响是相
用示踪法测定了ZSM-5沸石的锶离子交换量,所得结果的准确度高、精密度好,并具有灵敏、简便的优点。 The strontium ion exchange capacity of ZSM-5 zeolite was determined
宫维民同志: 朋友相聚,大家对当前的经济形势有各种议论,在肯定好的情况下,对有些问题争论很大。比如,有的同志说,当前社会上出现的通货膨胀、分配不公、国营不如私营、停产